How long left?


Hey, I've been growing my first plant (Trainwreck) for about 4 months now ( since the 13th May) Been budding for about 2 of those months, any idea's on how long until it's finished?
Thanks guys (:
It's only using a 60W bulb if that helps, just wanted to have a go at growing before buying a proper set up :P


Well-Known Member
i would of bought the proper set up.u got some time under your belt but u need a much better light.probably need the light u have to be much offense but its kinda pathetic for 2 months veg.and 2 months flower.same time frame....400w liight.



i would of bought the proper set up.u got some time under your belt but u need a much better light.probably need the light u have to be much offense but its kinda pathetic for 2 months veg.and 2 months flower.same time frame....400w liight.
Yeah I know, I got a grow tent, 600W light, and Hydroponics last week, started germinating some more seeds today to put in there so they should do better. Like I said Trainwreck was only a test kind of plant to see if I would be up for growing properly (: Nice plant by the way :P


Well-Known Member
u to can grow that plant.if ur a new i would go for soil.i use soil and love might end up being a slave to your plants as a newb with hydro.