How long is LARA taking these days?


Well-Known Member
Just renewed and its been two years. Im a bit out of the loop. How long has LARA been taking to get cards to people?
I go on Monday to the doctor . I will let everyone know how long it takes for my renewal. The last one I got 2 years ago only took a little over a week. I must have got lucky.
Well I will let you know how long it takes for me I just sent mine in on the 28th and it's just getting there today in Lansing Post Office. This is my First time so I am a bit Nervous and hoping everything works out smoothly.
Well I will let you know how long it takes for me I just sent mine in on the 28th and it's just getting there today in Lansing Post Office. This is my First time so I am a bit Nervous and hoping everything works out smoothly.

As long as you filled everything out correctly you shouldn't have any problem at all ! Welcome to the club :)_~
As long as you filled everything out correctly you shouldn't have any problem at all ! Welcome to the club :)_~

Nice! thanks! :P

I went over everything like 6 or so times and scanned it all and went over it on the computer as well...It's got all the right numbers so I should be ok. I send it certified and put one of those green cards on the back for a return receipt and sent in a check just for my own peace of mind.
Yeah they do that at my doctors office too. They give you all the paperwork and basically tell you what to do with it .pretty easy ,just a little stressful until you get it . But that's only if you sit and think about it all day .
When you renew your card it doesn't take long. For me it's usually 2-3 weeks but if you have to switch any patient or caregiver information, it takes a lot longer. I have been waiting for my new card for 8 weeks now.
When you renew your card it doesn't take long. For me it's usually 2-3 weeks but if you have to switch any patient or caregiver information, it takes a lot longer. I have been waiting for my new card for 8 weeks now.

Wow that is crap. Especially if your card expires before you get your new one ?? Hope it comes soon for you
Thanks for all of the replies! I just passed the 2 week point today and im hoping it might come in today. I didn't send via certified mail this time around because my doctor didn't tell me i needed to, and just like what was mentioned above my doctors office gave me everything in a stamped addressed envelope. All i had to do was stick the check in the envelope, seal it, and mail it out. Do you think that could be an issue since it wasnt sent certified with return receipt? I will make sure to let you guys and gals know when my card arrives.

Technically it is a new card since i let my old card expire before going to renew. I wonder if that will have an impact on turnaround time.

Anyhoo, thanks again for all the responses!
Ok looks like things are going good to start...Mailed last week Thursday 28th got to post office Saturday 30th and delivered to P.O. Box yesterday morning and Return receipt scanned that night 2nd.
The weekend will add more time I think to the over all process.

So technically they just got it.....Probably see something at the end of May.