How long is LARA taking these days?

I believe it's already known the swab test won't be very accurate for mj. It'll register some level for anyone who has partaken within the previous weeks. Don't give em probable cause... but this new (experimental) field testing program is absurd no matter how you look at it, totally at odds with our medical laws/rights.
It's all about discrediting the MM community and putting people into the "criminal justice system" so they can milk as much money out of them as they can. Justice,what a bad joke that is.
I'm reluctant to actually thank them....

Just Passed, another step in roadside/field sobriety-testing, a pilot program will begin in 5 counties where Michigan State Police officers will now have the ability to 'legally' conduct saliva tests for marijuana (also medical mmj) and other drugs to see if ANY are in your system. thanks michigan.
I have read that too. It was on the news a month or so ago also. It really is crap. They said it would detect if you have smoked within the last 5 hrs or so