How long have you been high?

Wow... You're just a child that never grow up aren't you?

Don't feed the animals or they'll never go away. Stay on track with your thread. Feel free to use the ignore function.

I haven't been smoking long. First time trying it I was 32. After an injury in the military. With the only option of being VA pharmaceuticals. I took control over my own health. Now I smoke and grow like there's no tomorrow.

I usually smoke a bowl around 10am then about every two hours till I go to bed.
Ya three zips for $100??? It's not every time... It depends on the time of year and how flush with pot he is... Well I did it... I traded a $300.oo bowie knife for a really nice big $300.00 bong... He didn't have time to clean it so he threw in a nice ash catcher with it... The thing was pretty dirty so I have been cleaning for a while now and it's looking almost new... I can't wait to hit this monster...
You apparently need a job and an education. So try putting down your apple bong, head back to jr. high and learn something, whoever's sock you are. Good rule, never trade down. The incorrect use of ellipsis makes me think danksta but you could simply be another mainy or many other nameless tools we've had come through here.

PS there are no letters in currency only integers, sigh.


@cannabineer you missed one
Jane! ...Let me apologize for the cyber bulling you are getting from the parasites on this forum. They have nothing better to do with their lives then to waste everybody's time… People come here for help and they think it's fun to try and push other people's buttons… They are cowards and could never say it to your face… Their either children and don't know any better or their just down right scum and don't care… Either way they have poor up bring… Maybe a single mother or father who didn't know how to raise them… You've got to feel sorry for people this… I am new here also and they tried to push my buttons but I am a man of peace and it really can't be done… I haven't decided where or not to stay here or find another forum… I've learned what I came here for… So it's not like I need it… If I leave then that will give them the satisfaction of thinking they ran me off, which I could care less, one way or another… I was taught, if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas! So I'll have to think about it… I'm sure I'll get flack for this but I really don't care… I hope you find what you're looking for Jane… God bless You!
Or you have thin skin and are a cry baby. Everyone gets it here. I got it. Just a little new hazing.

Happens for one of two reasons. Either the person is liked or is a sock account.

Mostly its because we have a few dickheada that got banned and they keep making new accounts. Its got to the point there are more new sock accounts than real new people. The jabs are just a way to figure out who is who. Its also a way to figure out the pecking order.
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I'm 66 and retired now... I am trying and hoping to stay out of a wheel chair... You people who work won't get this, but when you can't work and your back dictates every moment in your life..

Pal, I'm only 49 and I've had three knee surgeries, two neck surgeries, cancer surgery, chemo, follow up cancer surgery, mesh repair surgery to repair the repair on the cancer surgery, back surgery and at one point as a 16 year old kid was in a complete body cast for 3 months. To top it all off I have arthritis as well.

There's not that many people been through the agony I've been through and still deal with on a daily basis.

With it all, I have no need to be high all the time. That's juvenile to the extreme. I have my good days and my bad days. Sometimes the bad days stretch out into weeks, and on occasion, months. Sometimes, the good days do the same. I use as needed.

That's why I only grow two plants per year. I have no need to use it every day. In fact, I wind up giving some away to a couple friends with similar issues to mine.

You strike me as one of two things:
  • A kid that's pretending to be old and bragging about sheer stupidity to try to impress people.
  • An old fart looking for a following as he has a hollow, empty life and absolutely no self esteem at all.
It's one or the other. This is the part where you just stop posting, let people forget about the stupid shit you posted, and start over again.
Pal, I'm only 49 and I've had three knee surgeries, two neck surgeries, cancer surgery, chemo, follow up cancer surgery, mesh repair surgery to repair the repair on the cancer surgery, back surgery and at one point as a 16 year old kid was in a complete body cast for 3 months. To top it all off I have arthritis as well.

There's not that many people been through the agony I've been through and still deal with on a daily basis.

With it all, I have no need to be high all the time. That's juvenile to the extreme. I have my good days and my bad days. Sometimes the bad days stretch out into weeks, and on occasion, months. Sometimes, the good days do the same. I use as needed.

That's why I only grow two plants per year. I have no need to use it every day. In fact, I wind up giving some away to a couple friends with similar issues to mine.

You strike me as one of two things:
  • A kid that's pretending to be old and bragging about sheer stupidity to try to impress people.
  • An old fart looking for a following as he has a hollow, empty life and absolutely no self esteem at all.
It's one or the other. This is the part where you just stop posting, let people forget about the stupid shit you posted, and start over again.
I smoke before, during, and after class to cope with PTSD and TBI, to function normally. Just saying, depending on the circumstances, it is neither disdainful nor without understanding that some people smoke throughout the day.
Pal, I'm only 49 and I've had three knee surgeries, two neck surgeries, cancer surgery, chemo, follow up cancer surgery, mesh repair surgery to repair the repair on the cancer surgery, back surgery and at one point as a 16 year old kid was in a complete body cast for 3 months. To top it all off I have arthritis as well.

There's not that many people been through the agony I've been through and still deal with on a daily basis.

With it all, I have no need to be high all the time. That's juvenile to the extreme. I have my good days and my bad days. Sometimes the bad days stretch out into weeks, and on occasion, months. Sometimes, the good days do the same. I use as needed.

That's why I only grow two plants per year. I have no need to use it every day. In fact, I wind up giving some away to a couple friends with similar issues to mine.

You strike me as one of two things:
  • A kid that's pretending to be old and bragging about sheer stupidity to try to impress people.
  • An old fart looking for a following as he has a hollow, empty life and absolutely no self esteem at all.
It's one or the other. This is the part where you just stop posting, let people forget about the stupid shit you posted, and start over again.

Trying to figure out if you are bragging or moaning.
Pal, I'm only 49 and I've had three knee surgeries, two neck surgeries, cancer surgery, chemo, follow up cancer surgery, mesh repair surgery to repair the repair on the cancer surgery, back surgery and at one point as a 16 year old kid was in a complete body cast for 3 months. To top it all off I have arthritis as well.

There's not that many people been through the agony I've been through and still deal with on a daily basis.

With it all, I have no need to be high all the time. That's juvenile to the extreme. I have my good days and my bad days. Sometimes the bad days stretch out into weeks, and on occasion, months. Sometimes, the good days do the same. I use as needed.

That's why I only grow two plants per year. I have no need to use it every day. In fact, I wind up giving some away to a couple friends with similar issues to mine.

You strike me as one of two things:
  • A kid that's pretending to be old and bragging about sheer stupidity to try to impress people.
  • An old fart looking for a following as he has a hollow, empty life and absolutely no self esteem at all.
It's one or the other. This is the part where you just stop posting, let people forget about the stupid shit you posted, and start over again.
Pal, I'm only 49 and I've had three knee surgeries, two neck surgeries, cancer surgery, chemo, follow up cancer surgery, mesh repair surgery to repair the repair on the cancer surgery, back surgery and at one point as a 16 year old kid was in a complete body cast for 3 months. To top it all off I have arthritis as well.

There's not that many people been through the agony I've been through and still deal with on a daily basis.

With it all, I have no need to be high all the time. That's juvenile to the extreme. I have my good days and my bad days. Sometimes the bad days stretch out into weeks, and on occasion, months. Sometimes, the good days do the same. I use as needed.

That's why I only grow two plants per year. I have no need to use it every day. In fact, I wind up giving some away to a couple friends with similar issues to mine.

You strike me as one of two things:
  • A kid that's pretending to be old and bragging about sheer stupidity to try to impress people.
  • An old fart looking for a following as he has a hollow, empty life and absolutely no self esteem at all.
It's one or the other. This is the part where you just stop posting, let people forget about the stupid shit you posted, and start over again.
Well that only proves to me that you can't judge... You might want to rethink your religion...
I smoke before, during, and after class to cope with PTSD and TBI, to function normally. Just saying, depending on the circumstances, it is neither disdainful nor without understanding that some people smoke throughout the day.
Its not the smoking all day. I do that at times. I only use what I need to function.

Its more the point of bragging about being high and not wanting to come down. That's a problem, no matter the substance of use.