How long have you been high?

Or was it 666 years? I just skimmed it

I took 6 months off looking for jobs about 7 years ago.

Other than that I guess it is 35 years that I have smoked every day.
Yeah I just counted too. 22 years of smoking every day. (except for 4 weeks when I went to Japan once. You cannot get it there. I mean I'm sure it's possible, but... I asked every person who looked like they MIGHT know. They all scolded me and looked at me like I asked where I could find a hooker to beat and strangle. Actually, I was offered that several times, no weed though.

I finally met the "manager" of an american "punk" band. He was like, "breh, theres no weed here. But you're in luck my dudesicle. I'm gonna let you have THIS. He produces a tiny wooden sneak-a-toke and says, I bet you could totally get a hit of resin out of this thing."

I gave up trying that night and didn't think about weed again till I got home. There are vending machines on the streets with 22's of beer. Also used panties.
I can seem to do edibles anymore... They upset my stomach... Not to mention I have eaten enough cannabis butter to choke a horse... I think if I have to taste it one more time i'll puke...

There's a good chance I am trading a bowie knife for a nice bong to night, so I'm all excited... I also ordered a cheap $3.oo vaping pen to see if I can get into it before I spend the big bucks...

Do a lot of you here frequent the dispensaries? I can afford to go there... I get top shelve from my grower for a 100 bucks a oz... On a bad day... On a good he'll throw me 2 or 3 oz's for the same price... Just depends on his mood I guess...
Three zips for $100??? That's a hell of a deal.
I probably wouldn't even be growing if I could buy top shelf bud for that price!
Since 10th grade in 1969. Not non-stop though.

Everybody's different. I couldn't get stoned and study in either HS or college, but I found I could get stoned at work. (By stoned at work, I mean one or 2 hits to relax. I had a high pressure job. The pressure disappeared after 2 hits.)

I didn't get stoned while learning a new facility at work. Because it involved studying. As soon as I could do it though, I had to try it high. It always worked for me.

Only a couple guys knew. They'd always ask, 'how the fuck can you run that machine and make 300% a day stoned on fire?'

Weed for me, not necessarily anyone else, enabled stress free focus. I also required loud electric blues music in the small operating station so I only heard the music, not people talking.

It let me concentrate on the 2500 FPM strip flying by through the observation window. I could literally feel the vibrations on the floor if one of the 22 rolls wasn't turning smooth.

I also won a $10,000 award for designing a better way for the machine to run the 1st pass. While stoned.

Try none of this at work, I came from a different galaxy and could do things I couldn't teach. Half of it is a mystery to me. Lol.
Ya three zips for $100??? It's not every time... It depends on the time of year and how flush with pot he is... Well I did it... I traded a $300.oo bowie knife for a really nice big $300.00 bong... He didn't have time to clean it so he threw in a nice ash catcher with it... The thing was pretty dirty so I have been cleaning for a while now and it's looking almost new... I can't wait to hit this monster...
Jane! ...Let me apologize for the cyber bulling you are getting from the parasites on this forum. They have nothing better to do with their lives then to waste everybody's time… People come here for help and they think it's fun to try and push other people's buttons… They are cowards and could never say it to your face… Their either children and don't know any better or their just down right scum and don't care… Either way they have poor up bring… Maybe a single mother or father who didn't know how to raise them… You've got to feel sorry for people this… I am new here also and they tried to push my buttons but I am a man of peace and it really can't be done… I haven't decided where or not to stay here or find another forum… I've learned what I came here for… So it's not like I need it… If I leave then that will give them the satisfaction of thinking they ran me off, which I could care less, one way or another… I was taught, if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas! So I'll have to think about it… I'm sure I'll get flack for this but I really don't care… I hope you find what you're looking for Jane… God bless You!
Jane! ...Let me apologize for the cyber bulling you are getting from the parasites on this forum. They have nothing better to do with their lives then to waste everybody's time… People come here for help and they think it's fun to try and push other people's buttons… They are cowards and could never say it to your face… Their either children and don't know any better or their just down right scum and don't care… Either way they have poor up bring… Maybe a single mother or father who didn't know how to raise them… You've got to feel sorry for people this… I am new here also and they tried to push my buttons but I am a man of peace and it really can't be done… I haven't decided where or not to stay here or find another forum… I've learned what I came here for… So it's not like I need it… If I leave then that will give them the satisfaction of thinking they ran me off, which I could care less, one way or another… I was taught, if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas! So I'll have to think about it… I'm sure I'll get flack for this but I really don't care… I hope you find what you're looking for Jane… God bless You!
You could've sucked 3 or 4 dicks in the time it took you to type this post.

You should learn to use your time more wisely.