How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

when i last called they where on the 24th-26th of April stuff so they should have mine in the system soon but they still said to call back in 4 weeks to see where its at

Damn. When mine was sent it only took 3 weeks from mailing to being opened, and 10 weeks to process.
Did they tell you what date of mail they are currently opening ? (they used to give this info out, it helped determine if your envelope was lost in the mail), also did you send it with tracking so that you know it arrived and was signed for ?
I sent it by Xpresspost but didn't require a signature.
They didn't tell me what day they were opening this time.
The first time I called about 3 weeks ago they said they were on March 20 something... If they are truly only at April 4th they're not even getting through 1 days worth every day.. at this rate it will be another 50 days before they open it.. seriously do the math. Got through 12 days of mail in 21 days, and they're already 2 months behind.

I did tell the lady when it was delivered and she did not indicate it might be lost but that I should try again in 4 weeks

I don't know if anything they say can be trusted though, pretty conflicting responses...
Whatever I did,

1 thing I didn't do was overshare any illegal activities I may be partaking in on a public forum which you seem convinced may be perused through by unfriendlies

The struggle is real
the struggle is in your head...
people dying are the ones who struggle
yer yappin isn't going to help them
but you fail to see the simple point .
I see the point buddy
My assessment of the risk and potential outcome just a little different.
If I was immediately dying I probably wouldn't even send Health Canada shit.

But this is a thread about just that

Whatever I did,

1 thing I didn't do was overshare any illegal activities I may be partaking in on a public forum which you seem convinced may be perused through by unfriendlies

The struggle is real
It's comments like that which make you a major goof and a jerk. Go tell your mommy ya nancy boy. Your obviously on the WRONG side of this issue.
But I encourage others to grow legal or not legal. I at one time was not legal and could care less. This is OUR culture and won't allow that to change. Especially by assholes who are happy to jail you if the cash doesn't fall into the hands. Before and now.
Happy to jail decent folks then and now if they don't take this over from the criminals ( BM )...fuck them and anyone who supports them. The LP's and trudy maggot are the a worse grade of criminal to me. Double crossing type thieves is the best i can call them.
Sorry but that's what;'s going on and I will NEVER stand for that as best i'm able.

I encourage EVERYONE to break the cannabis laws and be civilly disobedient.


Keep the " Peoples Plant " in the hands of decent folks where it belongs.
Anyone who supports LP POISON, did exactly what JT boy says recs do when it comes to getting their smokes...

but once dont 'get it '

and will have an excuse as to why you and Dudley do right share such a very poor, uncommon view...
It does seem to be a continuing trend...since in what ..should be the twilight of legalization and the end to people getting busted
has become a somewhat even darker time with the busts continuing at a stepped up get as many into the system as possible.
Trust me they are fighting for increased enforcement budgets...when they should be diverting those low hanging fruit funds towards actual crimes...
and solving some of that.....
its so surprising that they think people won't notice the huge waste in resources under the current directive.....
they should have already stopped but nope they have not
lots of people do notice...and they could have shown good faith to the community but chose not to
I encourage EVERYONE to break the cannabis laws and be civilly disobedient.

That's your perogative. I don't disagree just want to be clear on what is actually possible at this point in time.

It's one thing to encourage civil disobedience, another to claim it's currently lawful.

People deserve to make informed choices and I just personally question the validity of some of the things being said here.


The CMA doesn't support homegrown for rec, how do you think they feel about meds?

Just being realistic, but ya..

Fuck LPs!! Rah rah rah!