How is this even possible?

I have been what I assume to be pH issues (all sorts of signs of nute deficiency). I have read that run-off pH is critical to it doesn't mean anything. So assuming it is just a preference, lack of understanding among all, or dependent upon environmental variables, how come I cannot get my pH of my runoff up? I just went through 9 gallons of RO water at 7.4 and the runoff started at 5.2 and is now 5.8. But I cannot get it up to 6.2 to 6.8. I read to flush until it gets to the desired pH. I have 3 3 gallon buckets full of Ocean Forest, which I know is known for its issues...but I am stuck with it right now. Any ideas? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Some nutrients/soils have like automatic ph buffering (adjusting) built into them. I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I just thought I would offer an opinion.
Some nutrients/soils have like automatic ph buffering (adjusting) built into them. I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I just thought I would offer an opinion.
Thank you. I have no idea then how to get my pH issues under control if I cannot test run-off. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Hornedfrog2000 is dead on in my opinion. Top dress the media with some dolomite garden lime or include 2ml per gallon of Cal-Mag in your RO water. These elements are essential for buffering the natural media pH. I'd go with the dolomite myself.
Is there a pH of water and/or nutes that is too high to run through? I mean, I am sure if I jacked up the pH to 9 and ran it through I would surely get the right pH out. Is that okay though? Can I always adjust my pH to 8 or 9 in order to get 6.5 out? I am reading up on pH but it is pretty complex. I am going to continue the study, but if anyone can answer those questions, that would be a great help. Thank you.
What nutrients are you using? I would honestly just use a solution of 6.5 and go from there.
Using the Foxfarm schedule as they recommend...all their products. I was at 6.5 regularly, but then I started seeing signs of deficiencies...not just one. So I finally narrowed it down to pH problems. When I found the run-off at 5 or below, I started trying to fix it. And here I am. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
With using FF nutes (and these are the only ones ive used for soil) you WILL eventually get a build up of salts and induce lockout. By flushing your medium you have essentially removed almost all of the nutes that have built up in the soil. I have learned to always flush at least once during my grow to eliminate this problem. Now I know some people have not had this problem but I have and the flushing worked. Hope this helps.


Yeah if you are using R/O water you need cal/mag... it fixed my problem, hope that is the easy solution for you bro! listen to those guys! good luck!

Jack Larson

Active Member
If you use cal-mag in a folier spray, you'll see a difference in a couple of hours, if that's the problem. If not, try a little zinc. But, I think your issue isn't nutes, but the plants ability to take up those nutes. Have you checked your soil for bugs? The feeding larvae can quickly suck the nutes out of a root system, which often first shows up as a nute deficency. Other users of FF soil mixes have had these issues.
How are you performing your runoff tests? What do you do, how do you do it, what do you use?
I just went through 9 gallons of RO water at 7.4 and the runoff started at 5.2 and is now 5.8. But I cannot get it up to 6.2 to 6.8. I read to flush until it gets to the desired pH. I have 3 3 gallon buckets full of Ocean Forest, which I know is known for its issues...but I am stuck with it right now.

I check the pH when it first starts to run-off, then throughout the process. Of course it is lower and goes a little higher, but thats about all I can add to the original post. Unless you have any specific questions. Thanks!!!!
If you use cal-mag in a folier spray, you'll see a difference in a couple of hours, if that's the problem. If not, try a little zinc. But, I think your issue isn't nutes, but the plants ability to take up those nutes. Have you checked your soil for bugs? The feeding larvae can quickly suck the nutes out of a root system, which often first shows up as a nute deficency. Other users of FF soil mixes have had these issues.
I have only a few leaves on each plant with issues. They keep pressing through. All are about 8 weeks old. 3 plants have been moved to flower and have been flowering for 3 weeks. 3 more are joining them as we speak. Overall, they are doing well except for some yellow specs on some leaves. I agree 100% that it is not lack of nutes but rather the plants ability to consume them. That being said, I am stuck figuring out this pH issue. However if it is a cal-mag issue, then maybe it is not a pH issue. And after looking at some pics, I would say that may be spot on! My local grow shop is closed today, is there anything I can pick up from a general store to supplement cal-mag? Also, you mentioned a folier spray and I would see a difference. What sort of difference? I read that the yellow spots would never return to a normal leaf. If that is so, what difference am I looking for? Thank you!!!!

Jack Larson

Active Member
I have only a few leaves on each plant with issues. They keep pressing through. All are about 8 weeks old. 3 plants have been moved to flower and have been flowering for 3 weeks. 3 more are joining them as we speak. Overall, they are doing well except for some yellow specs on some leaves. I agree 100% that it is not lack of nutes but rather the plants ability to consume them. That being said, I am stuck figuring out this pH issue. However if it is a cal-mag issue, then maybe it is not a pH issue. And after looking at some pics, I would say that may be spot on! My local grow shop is closed today, is there anything I can pick up from a general store to supplement cal-mag? Also, you mentioned a folier spray and I would see a difference. What sort of difference? I read that the yellow spots would never return to a normal leaf. If that is so, what difference am I looking for? Thank you!!!!
You need a product called AZAMAX. It works awesome, and it's organic. Most growers that I know that use FF use it before they even plant, but it's not at every store. So, if you can't find it, look for a product that has Spinosod. Dilute it by 1/4th the recommended dosage in ph'd water & pour it thru your soil. Once it dries, water as usual, then repeat process with Spinosod. That should do it! Good Luck...

Jack Larson

Active Member
I have only a few leaves on each plant with issues. They keep pressing through. All are about 8 weeks old. 3 plants have been moved to flower and have been flowering for 3 weeks. 3 more are joining them as we speak. Overall, they are doing well except for some yellow specs on some leaves. I agree 100% that it is not lack of nutes but rather the plants ability to consume them. That being said, I am stuck figuring out this pH issue. However if it is a cal-mag issue, then maybe it is not a pH issue. And after looking at some pics, I would say that may be spot on! My local grow shop is closed today, is there anything I can pick up from a general store to supplement cal-mag? Also, you mentioned a folier spray and I would see a difference. What sort of difference? I read that the yellow spots would never return to a normal leaf. If that is so, what difference am I looking for? Thank you!!!!
By difference, I meant the leaves should green up.
You are better off waiting until your local grow shop opens. A lot of commercial mag/cal supplements are too astringint to use as a folier spray. Super Natural makes one called Green Stay, but the one I like is the Botannicare.