How has marijuana changed you?

Has has marijuana changed you, for better or worse?

  • I use marijuana for medicinal purposes only.

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • I "understand" and become "aware".

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Aids in stress Relief, and supressing Anxiety or Paranoia.

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • Therapeutic

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • I feel more connected to god or "a higher entity".

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • I feel connected to other beings, even somewhat telepathic.

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Cannabis has made me better.

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • Cannabis has mad be worse.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • I regret starting cannabis, but find it comforting and want to use it.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • I become paranoid or have psychotic encounters with marijuana.

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
People I know say I'm "out there" some times, and I know it's because when I smoke weed I think deeply (like I am now writing this thread). I have always been philosophical and studied taoism, buddhism and spiritual use of marijuana in rastafari and various african tribe religions.

When I smoke bud, I can think clearly. I become "one" with my thoughts and "more-honest" with my being, if you follow. And for the most part, I have benefited from this as to me it acts as a spiritual enlightenment. All anxiety. All phobias. All stress. GONE!

Have a look at the poll and see if you relate...multichoice...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My quality of life has improved by leaps and bounds. I've stopped taking the zombie inducing pharmaceuticals and only use Cannabis. I sleep better at night. I can interact with people. My anxiety attacks are down to about 1 or 2 a month. I have an appetite. Which is good for a scarecrow like me. I can think clearly. I can control my dosage. If things are going really badly in my head I can dose myself silly without negative consequences or side effects. If my life is running smoothly I can cut back on the dosage or even skip a day. Life with Cannabis, for me, is a god send.


Well-Known Member
Eh, i feel like when Im out in nature smoking, like im connected to god. And when i smoke with people I like, I feel like it makes our relationships stronger and better.


Well-Known Member
My quality of life has improved by leaps and bounds. I've stopped taking the zombie inducing pharmaceuticals and only use Cannabis.
Absolutely bro. I have been on several antidepressents for anxiety (they supposedly would help) and just as many benzos. None of it worked, the just made me emotional and boring. Cannabis provides me the relief from anxiety and lets me live my life and enjoy myself.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Eh, i feel like when Im out in nature smoking, like im connected to god. And when i smoke with people I like, I feel like it makes our relationships stronger and better.
Two summers ago me and couple of buddies climbed to the top of a mountain outside of Durango, Co. We smoked a bowl (I love high elevation toking) and watched the clouds go by. It was amazing. At one point I felt like I was part of the mountain.

Absolutely bro. I have been on several antidepressents for anxiety (they supposedly would help) and just as many benzos. None of it worked, the just made me emotional and boring. Cannabis provides me the relief from anxiety and lets me live my life and enjoy myself.
PTSD sucks. :(


Well-Known Member
yeah my dad says im a better person when Im high too, says i dont seem so sad and angry as i normally do


Active Member
Lol my family says I'm nicer high, but I think that's just because when I'm somber it means I'm detoxing and broke, which means short tempered and pissed as fuck about everything.


Sector 5 Moderator
I only smoke it to help me sleep and before sex. Pot makes sex 400% better; I feel like I'm blowing hot lava for like 45 seconds when I nut. I also like to grab some Hagen Daz raspberry sorbet or something.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah sorbet (lactose intolerant)

I need it for joint pain, to help me sleep, stave off anxiety and eat. I don't smoke and I will not sleep for a week. Last time I lost nearly a stone in 3 days. Not good.

I was smoking with my grandma last week and we just broke out into praising jesus lol

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
So they say alot of people become deppressed wit it???? Or is it cause they get revealed? See what is wrong, aware of everything, I don't think it's ood to smoke if you got problem cause halfthe time you smoke for problems the problem is you, and u don't want to change or feel like you can't cause you won't... Half the time that can trigger depression after some time, but consume in and out cause you like it and all is good and for relief in other aspects medically and goodtime and some stress related or like I said other relief, it's good, if somehing is troubling you and you get more depressed maybe fix it or do what you need to do, that goes If you fel that way Smoking or not, idk bout what I wrote but I makes sense.... Kinda?..... Hah


Ursus marijanus
Looking for a "cannabis has made me no better" button.
I wish i could report that it helps either of my nominally treatable conditions - clin. dep. and a talent for migraine.
It neither helps nor worsens those.
So if I were compelled to confess, I use it more as a comfort med, to dull the awareness of a life gone so far awry that I find myself, at my age, completely alone in strange empty country. cn


Active Member
It wasn't until I started taking an antidepressant that I was able to enjoy marijuana. Before I would get very paranoid and anxious when I smoked. Now when I smoke I'm not as irritable, a lot of stuff drives me up the wall like smacking gum, clanking forks, mouth breathers, bad drivers, riding with bad drivers, not being on time, when people take forever to get ready, I could go on forever. When I smoke these things don't bother me and I can relax. Also I like to get super high and clean my house while rocking some good music.


Well-Known Member
All those answers in the poll and none "fit", but if its any concilation that first page is wrong,,,, wrong in a bad way

Just saying...
