Only takeover I have been seeing is by people who identify as socialists/communist/anarchists. These people have been involved in activities such as...
Taking over sections of cities without an election or consent of property owners in the autonomous zone, posting armed guards, denying access to law enforcement and medical personnel, defacing, burning or otherwise vandalizing private and public property. Shutting down traffic flow, trespassing onto freeways creating a dangerous situation and playing in traffic until they get hit, mobbing and attacking vehicles that have been trapped by traffic shutdowns. Additionally we have acts of intimidation such as spray painting bitch ass Pelosi's garage, setting up a guillotine outside of one of Jeff Bezos 50 houses.
We can also add to that things like looting and burning a Walmart. Looting and burning a Target. Burning a lot full of cars. Burning and looting a whole bunch of things. This has happened on a country wide scale. The purpose of this in many cases besides the obvious, it's great fun, has been to effect political change through intimidation and force.
When people use force and intimidation to get what they want we usually call them terrorists.
Against this we have one incident in DC apparently involving Vikings and Grannies for Trump among others and a number of street scuffles between two groups who both were looking for a fight.
I hear over and over again how Trump is supposedly this horrible dictator. Yet the best he can come up with is Ragnarok the Tattooed and Grannies for Trump? This is the supposed incarnation of Hitler with the 666 birth mark on his ass? I spend a lot of time watching documentaries of assholes throughout history and at this point Trump as a dictator is about a competent as Charlie Chaplain in comparison.
Biden on the other hand you should watch out for. He's an anti-cannabis twat along with Harris and his son Hunter would sell his daddies nuke codes to the Chinese in exchange for ten grams of crack.