How far can i go? Cfl


Well-Known Member
I have a 125 watt 6500k a 50 watt 2700k 2 26 watt 5000k and a 40f watt 2700k all cfl in a 2×3ft area how big of a plant do you guys think I can grow with that light?


Well-Known Member
Well only the 125 is on top the rest are on the sides and I have already grown with them before but I flowered to early so it was 10 inches tall lol good results I believe just wanna go a bit taller this time


Active Member
Why not invest in a 150w hps? my friend gets great results and it would def be better than all thos cfl's alone.


Active Member
during veg the plant will grow well. while flowering if the lights are close you will get ok results. investing in a hps and proper ventilation will give much better results.


Well-Known Member
Definitely get a proper bulb dude. Go 400 AC hood, and a good hood, not some piece of shit eBay china crap.

For a 400, nothing beats a super sun II; nothing!


Well-Known Member
I know this forum is old but why is it everytime i ask a ? On here i get awnser that is irrelvelant to what i asked i simply wanted to know wat i.could do with what i had not what lights i should get


Well-Known Member
You could grow it all the way out and flower you said you did it before, they were just suggesting a better method... That's kinda what this site is for, helping others get better


Well-Known Member
you have 300 watts of shitty bulbs... go all the way baby! Or get rid of the easy bake oven lights and get a proper 400 watt system.

Or not.


Well-Known Member
I have a 125 watt 6500k a 50 watt 2700k 2 26 watt 5000k and a 40f watt 2700k all cfl in a 2×3ft area how big of a plant do you guys think I can grow with that light?
First off... there is no way to estimate anyother grow other than my own grow, on yield, height, etc...That looks like you have 267 watts of florescence light…
If you veg for 6-8 weeks and grew a nice plant under it, and you semi know what you are doing… IDK, a three to ten foot plant is possible…you can never have too much florescent lighting, [Ha on me for sure] in any size space…I seem to keep adding more and more, I am now up to…
My lighting in a 7’ x 4’ Veg Room…
Fluorescent lighting, I have a few:
20 - 6500k 23 watt
4 - 2700k 23 watt
4 - 6500k 60 watt
2 - 6500k 32 watt
4 aquarium lamps 40 watt
1 70 w HPS
Total Florescent Wattage = 1016 watts
Plus 70 watt HPS

And I still only want a 10" -12" plant in veg...
How big ? IDK... 10 inches ? Maybe you'll only grow it 6"...


Well-Known Member
First off... there is no way to estimate anyother grow other than my own grow, on yield, height, etc...That looks like you have 267 watts of florescence light…
If you veg for 6-8 weeks and grew a nice plant under it, and you semi know what you are doing… IDK, a three to ten foot plant is possible…you can never have too much florescent lighting, [Ha on me for sure] in any size space…I seem to keep adding more and more, I am now up to…
My lighting in a 7’ x 4’ Veg Room…
Fluorescent lighting, I have a few:
20 - 6500k 23 watt
4 - 2700k 23 watt
4 - 6500k 60 watt
2 - 6500k 32 watt
4 aquarium lamps 40 watt
1 70 w HPS
Total Florescent Wattage = 1016 watts
Plus 70 watt HPS

And I still only want a 10" -12" plant in veg...
How big ? IDK... 10 inches ? Maybe you'll only grow it 6"...


1086w of electric!??????!!!!!????

I hope you're pulling +750g of dried herb from that much electric usage. Otherwise you need your head felt. That's fucked up.



Well-Known Member
I use a similar amount of cfls, at 30 bucks a month for elec its no big deal and beats noise from fans and fighting heat...


Well-Known Member
That's cool I guess...nobody uses that bulb so I'm not sure how that's relevant.

I can keep my hand on my bulbs all day as they are about 90 to 110 depending on how hot it is outside. I dare you to leave your hand on an hps.. I use a 1000 watts equivelant to a 600 watt hps except no extra elec for ballast and fans. So I think they about even out. Its more suited to small grows


Well-Known Member
Your missing the point I think. CFL's give off more heat given the same wattage. So a small grow with 10 40watt CFL's is going to be HOTTER than a single 400 hps. Of course CFL's are only warm to the touch, but you would have more sources of that heat as well.
And just as an FYI, CFL's have ballasts that is why the base is so big.

Grow with what you got , I'm only trying to dispell common myths


Well-Known Member
I think in reality though you are creating them. If my bulbs are 90degrees it doesn't matter how many I have as the temp won't exceed 90,I only grow pure sativas and they definately wouldn't mind if I turned my fan off altogether.cfls also dissapate heat extremelly well. If you blow to much air over they will barely glow.... I'm in TX ,we routinely go months without dropping below 100 in the summer. When its 110 outside trust me there is no keeping an hps cool. You have to keep them so high from the tops of the plant. We all know the inverse square law. Bulbs are rated at 1 foot my plants are within 2 inches receiving more light. I can also throw them throughout the grow in and between plants....


Well-Known Member
I think in reality though you are creating them. If my bulbs are 90degrees it doesn't matter how many I have as the temp won't exceed 90,I only grow pure sativas and they definately wouldn't mind if I turned my fan off altogether.cfls also dissapate heat extremelly well. If you blow to much air over they will barely glow.... I'm in TX ,we routinely go months without dropping below 100 in the summer. When its 110 outside trust me there is no keeping an hps cool. You have to keep them so high from the tops of the plant. We all know the inverse square law. Bulbs are rated at 1 foot my plants are within 2 inches receiving more light. I can also throw them throughout the grow in and between plants....
say what??

smhfml.......watt for watt HPS blows CFL out of the water.....its common knowledge.

CFL's get rediculesly hot, i have a 360w CFL rig that will melt your face off.....each CFL has a ballast, and i have felt CFL bulbs that are hot enough to burn you.....yeah a 13w cfl may not get hot but 30 of them will.

when i started growing i used CFL's and managing the heat was a nightmare. Yes a HPS bulb gets hot as fuck but thats why you have cool tubes and aircooled hoods which will keep your grow room much cooler than CFLs without any direct cooling.

again watt for watt (even adding in the additional watts for your cooling fan) HID beats CFL out of the park. im not saying the OP should get a HID im simply saying that they are far superior grow lights than CFL's bottom line no questions asked. are they ideal for but i will tell you this, ill take my 600w HID and you take your 600w of CFL and we will see which provides better results. and i have never had temp issues with my HID's like i had with CFL's.

CFL's being an ideal source of light for growing is the only myth i see here, if your hellbent on flouro's get a dam T5HO unit and some mixed spectrum bulbs.


Well-Known Member
To each their own.....peace
your absolutly right my friend.

the problem is people on these boards talk up CFL's like they are great and bottom line is they are not. given fully educated and people still decide that CFL are a better choice then by all means go fo it. but to compare CFL's to HID's claiming they are just as good is just false information, im sorry but thats the truth.