How Easy is it to Cross Strains?

I know that if you inbreed to animals you end up with a lot of reproductive problems of the offspring.

Be willing to bet 5 cents that results be about the same. I guess mother nature wasn't from Kentucky because she generally doesn't approve of brother to sister or father to daughter type hookups.

In dogs, you can get a few generations further along with Father/Daughter or Mother/Son than you can with Brother/Sister.

For What it's worth. :)

Nothing wrong with marijuana and inbreeding, it stabilizes the plant. They are not like animals.
seems that what people dont understand here is that in "mother nature" the plant crosses itself all the time. nothing wrong with this "inbreeding". it doesnt hurt the plants in any way.

Thats what I was going to say as well. I always wanted to make my own strain, sounds like it would be a pain, but I think if it was done right in the end it would be well worth it.