how does my plant lookin?


Well-Known Member
I am impressed... ORGANIC is the way to go... pure sunlight, no chemicals = amazing weed... i have four plants and they are doing amazingly fine.. i just harvested this one.. it is bomb ass shit!!



Well-Known Member
Yes you....I dunno why he posted his pics in your thread...they did look good though hahahaha bongsmilie
Damn sorry.... i never posted those pics on riu so i figured .... let me show em to somebody....

I knew you were talkin about her plant tho...

NOW STOP WHINING.........LOL.....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
oh hehehe well ok ill post some tomorro. im so tired man! today was a hell of an awesome day! i havent had so much fun like that in a while. hurricane gustav gave us huge waves today! and im on the west coast. i was body surfin all day. so im sunburnt has hell yet again (2nd time this week) and sore as fuck! well i guess they are both good things. tan and muscles lol

I am impressed... ORGANIC is the way to go... pure sunlight, no chemicals = amazing weed... i have four plants and they are doing amazingly fine.. i just harvested this one.. it is bomb ass shit!!
aw thanks for the nice words man. yes organic is the way to go. next season im goin to use mollases cuz i didnt this time. that would still be considered organic, right? lol btw you plant looks good! ive never seen leaves like that. beautiful!

4me its lookin good
thanks dude!

Yes you....I dunno why he posted his pics in your thread...they did look good though hahahaha bongsmilie
oh its ok man! i love lookin at weed plants :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
LOL... and i thought i had bad pics :mrgreen:..... Looks good tho....nice job ... let us know the yield .....:peace: mane....