how does my plant lookin?


Well-Known Member
ya im not too happy bout movin there. but its either georgia with my family or south carolina with my man...

I hope everythings good peace.... I really hope you get to move where you want..... That sucks that you having money issues...... I know how it is.....paying rent out here in la is no joke..... Im broke too cause I buy to much ganj..... thats where all my money goes...... but im back in school... halfway threw college... I think your a smart should be in school.... I know theres alot of financial aid out there.....nothings wrong with community college uknow.... you need to upgrade your thug take it from one who partied most of his life away.... im the old dude in class now...haha....but its cool cause people think i look still young.....right...??????


Well-Known Member
I hope everythings good peace.... I really hope you get to move where you want..... That sucks that you having money issues...... I know how it is.....paying rent out here in la is no joke..... Im broke too cause I buy to much ganj..... thats where all my money goes...... but im back in school... halfway threw college... I think your a smart should be in school.... I know theres alot of financial aid out there.....nothings wrong with community college uknow.... you need to upgrade your thug take it from one who partied most of his life away.... im the old dude in class now...haha....but its cool cause people think i look still young.....right...??????
ya man im really sad :cry: we gotta pack up all our shit and just leave our hosue and let it foreclose. i have to leave my beautiful house and the beach! im jsut really depressed cuz i found all this out yesterday. ya i should go to college but im prolly just gunna be a stripper haahahaha seriously. not no nasty roach club.... a good one. i dont even care anymore man.

my mom went back to school not too long ago so no ur not too young lol :)

ya so did mom. she was 50 and in school and got her bach. degree


Well-Known Member
yeah never too late to go back id say your well able for it theres lots of people out there who wouldnt be able to turn a computer on or grow a plant so im guessin your a clever one


Well-Known Member
yeah never too late to go back id say your well able for it theres lots of people out there who wouldnt be able to turn a computer on or grow a plant so im guessin your a clever one

it sucks cuz i wont be able to grow anymore!!!!!! so all my juicy fruit seeds... :wall: :wall: :cuss: FUUUUCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
things can change pretty quick in this world ya get some bad luck then ya get some good thrust me iv been through some shit,try keep checkin in on this site plenty of support from me an i bet a few others too.i know theres not much we can do but we can cheer ya up......good luck from ireland


Well-Known Member
Well you already know the stripper dance its all good tho... its your time to be young, do all kind of crazy shit, have fun , enjoy life(which entails smoking mad ganj)....and thats great.... life is full of choices, lifestyles, ganj...... I hit rock bottom a couple of times in my life.... but i got right back up..... a hit of ganj did the trick......i one day will walk the earth, go place to place, meeting new people...... ill be just cheez....nothing more nothing less.... some will say that guys a bum....but ill know the truth......
what club??? are u gonna work at.....????? I wanna's


Well-Known Member
ouch :evil: bet you were mad

hell yea.that was like 2 weeks pay for that im back to surfin my natural arts board for now.sorry to hear bout ur house ive most definatly been at rock bottom i lived in a 27 ft travel trailer for most of my childhood let me tell u it could be worse.u seem to have a good head on ur shoulders and ur pretty good lookin.i think you'l make it far in life.oh and if i were u i wolud get in school asap nothing will gett u further than a good education.


Well-Known Member
it sucks cuz i wont be able to grow anymore!!!!!! so all my juicy fruit seeds... :wall: :wall: :cuss: FUUUUCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DAMN ... your kidding me..... save them or something ....
If i can help by saying that There are a lot of us in some tough situations right now.. no one can tell you how to handle your problem cause there all different..... It all looks grim for you at the moment but i guarantee you that its for a good reason.... Things WILL get better ... no fucking doubt ....... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
things can change pretty quick in this world ya get some bad luck then ya get some good thrust me iv been through some shit,try keep checkin in on this site plenty of support from me an i bet a few others too.i know theres not much we can do but we can cheer ya up......good luck from ireland
thanks alot man. that makes me feel better. but ive decided to go to south carolina with my man and not georgia with my family. his mom is really sick and i wanna aleast try and bond with her before its too late.

Well you already know the stripper dance its all good tho... its your time to be young, do all kind of crazy shit, have fun , enjoy life(which entails smoking mad ganj)....and thats great.... life is full of choices, lifestyles, ganj...... I hit rock bottom a couple of times in my life.... but i got right back up..... a hit of ganj did the trick......i one day will walk the earth, go place to place, meeting new people...... ill be just cheez....nothing more nothing less.... some will say that guys a bum....but ill know the truth......
what club??? are u gonna work at.....????? I wanna's
LOL yea well since i moving to bumfuck, south carolina i dont think they will have any "up scale" gentlemens clubs hahahaha. im totally buyin like 2 and a half OZs before i go cuz god knows how long its goin to take me to find pot there! lol
im starting to feel better everyday cuz shit keeps goin wrong in FL. my bf keeps tellin me good news to come when we go up there. so im tryin to stay postive. the only thing that makes me really sad is that i aint gunna no anybody. i cant just call up one of my friends to come over and chill or go to the beach. :cry:

Peace I'm really sorry that this fucking foreclosure mess hit your family. All my sympathies are with you.
thanks alot man! all of you have been so nice and supportive. :peace: LOVE :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
DAMN ... your kidding me..... save them or something ....
If i can help by saying that There are a lot of us in some tough situations right now.. no one can tell you how to handle your problem cause there all different..... It all looks grim for you at the moment but i guarantee you that its for a good reason.... Things WILL get better ... no fucking doubt ....... :bigjoint:
tru tru man. well thanks for all your kind words! yes things are lookin up :bigjoint:

Ill take the seeds off your hands :bigjoint:

sorry hunny im keepin them! some fuckin guy PMed me askin me to sell them to him hahaha :finger: ya right beeeeitch


Well-Known Member
So much Drama.... So much Passion..... The Suspence.....Hey Peace .... your life is way more interesting than veronicas....... Neways ill still be your friend as long as you have a computer....... Youll still be in da dirty dirty 4sure doe......


Well-Known Member
Im lovin Mary Jane
She my mane thang....
Took her from that web head...
what a lamee braainee.......
still im plum crazy......
check em for their g pass....
yeah peaceman....
she cooool and amaze me......


New Member
Hey Peace whe you move are you still going to be coming on here? We'd still like to hear from you and how you're getting along in your new area.