Active Member
sorry lol..I have never been more horrified by a persons grammar than I am now.
sorry lol..I have never been more horrified by a persons grammar than I am now.
Well if you're talking to a coke addict of course he will say coke is the best drug. All I will ask of you is to stay away from coke. I mean alot of people have used it at least once, but please don't get addicted.idk kk i never than coke or lsd like i said. one of my friend afford me to do coke but i was litt scared lol well more like i dont like my nose buring.. Most of ppl i met in my life everyone says coke is better then any other drug .. just my op bro
thanks for tha Rep bro. Have you ever used Pc fan in the grow room ? I need some help..Well if you're talking to a coke addict of course he will say coke is the best drug. All I will ask of you is to stay away from coke. I mean alot of people have used it at least once, but please don't get addicted.
Also you can't say coke is better than LSD if you have not tried either,.
But it's cool I understand this thread was made out of pure curiosity. "curiosity killed the cat" <<< I just felt like I needed to say that, so find a way it fits in to what I'm talking about.
So op go try LSD if you want and stay away from coke and you're good to go,.
Maybe that's YOUR imagination, last time I fried that shit was great. Wasn't any better as a kid. If anything, it was better as an adult, didn't have to worry about hiding it.I used to take it almost daily... sometimes daily. I've always had a huge appetite for drugs. i took my first acid trip at 14. double dropped two tabs. soon after that i was taking 4... as that is what i felt it needed to proper lose myself in the trip.
trust me i've been there... over and over and over and over again. It gets boring.
X on the other hand is simply a rush of seratonin and great for feeling loved up and ironing away any built up stresses. On X, bulshit isn't as important. It's also great for sex... from your post though, i doubt you know what that is. come back in 20 years and tell me what you think then.
I ate one of those chocolate cream filled cupcakes while frying, and it tasted incredible. †L† hmm...next time I'll have to have a buffet type setup to test this theory.ive always thought food besides fresh fruit , etc tasted quite weird on LSD.![]()
its not nearly as dangerous as the media makes it out to be. i thought it was almost identical to shrooms.i will never fuck with lsd tho..
it has no taste. could be because the shit is measured in micrograms. whatever you take that has lsd in it is just filler really. blotter paper, microdots, gel tab, etc.never done LSD. how does that thing taste like?
Lol, dude just go try it already.Lsd tripping feels like swimming in the bible ?zz thats what i heard
if I feel a bad trip coming on I just look at myself in the mirror and look at my eyes to remind myself I'm just tripping balls.i dont think lsd has a taste and even if it did the amount you need i imagine wouldn't have a taste as it is so small , mushies are quite nice though, i used to eat straight from the field little sluggie things and all , but i dont know if anyone has said this BE VERY CAREFUL with LSD it has the power to open your mind to see life and the meaning of it ,but also has the power to show you death and all the fear that comes with it , this is one of them drugs that is best taken in very small portions at first like if i got a paper trip and it was my first i would take a little piece of the corner like 10-20% same with mushrooms id take like 10 for first time , people may laugh and say thats too little but if you go white (bad trip) youll be glad trust me i know lol (well i can laugh now the psychological problems have receded)
But also some of if not the best experiences of my life have been on lsd so i dont want to put anyone off .
finaly (this worked for me ) if you feal like the trip is getting to be a bad one try alcohol like a few cans of larger or a couple of shots of voddie seemed to take the paraoid feeling away for me ,also and this is in my experience i wouldnt advice smoking much weed (i know some of you are thinking wtf i smoke tons when im tripping ) this is because weed does have a tendency to make you think twice i.e paranoid i know not all weed but i find it better for when you start to come down then smoke all you want :¬)