What I meant that pot was recommended to be smoked alone, cause adding tobacco makes it more harmful.
Anyway, I do agree with you that antiscience is flooding internet nowadays. Probably that came from people who felt bad smoking pot so they had to find some reasonable facts.
But toking through water pipe, which gets you cooled smoke, rather than joint, that makes you cough like crazy, has to be better for your lungs. or not?
I am not a regular smoker, I do it once a week or so and I do it for some different experience, for seeing things differently, some visuals or a good belly breaking laugh in a company, that's why I prefer trippy uplifting sativas. But I noticed that sometimes I get a lot of visuals, sometimes the effect is quite mild while smoking the same pot. And I try to understand this. Is it different because of differently smoking it, or mixing with alcohol, or thc concentration on different buds are different.
These are the things I'm trying to find out..
haha nice. well one day I accidentally came across diy youtube video of how to make water pipe. instead of spending on a glass pipe, I made myself this one:
View attachment 2674109
from 0.5L bottle, metal spanner and electric tape

) it does not look very aesthetic, but it does the job for me quite well..