How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?


Well-Known Member
that is so sad. i would say just encourage her to do her homework before she puts her money in the plate, anyone telling her that they can heal her is trying to steal from her. that is just about the foulest thing anyone can do.

That's exactly how I feel she is being cheated but I hope she will realize maybe I should pull some verses from the bible to encourage her in a better way though I am undecided on my beliefs I was raised religious and don't mind helping other find comfort and I just don't want it to be in something that can potentially be harmful
I understand, however, my girlfriend is very religious and she keeps asking me if I believe in God and yadayada. Of course, I say I do, but I do not know. Hell, I even go to church with her, sometimes, simply because I find it interesting. You're not trying to change his beliefs, but when someone keeps asking, and that's the one you love, you are confused what to say.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree princewest these people are close to me I love them like they were my family and I was extremely confused as to what to say my resident and I picked out some choice verses together that would help ease her sisters mind I have chose to say my beliefs are somewhat different though I wish to engage I'm such discussions with you because of the joy it brings....that's how I'm handling it just keep my mouth shut and choose only verses I agree with


Well-Known Member
Well, if she's wrong.. the worst thing that happens is she ends up dead & on the way out happy because where she's going.

If she's right then most of us are screwed..

Hmmm.. Makes ya think eh?


Well-Known Member
It certainally does make you think hence this thread this subject doesn't really matter as we will never find our answer in this life but I figure why not discuss it intresting to hear others views


Active Member
She's 88, just let her be... In case you haven't learned this lesson yet, trying to convince old folks of things they do not want to believe is pretty futile. Just wait till you're old, then you'll see.


Well-Known Member
You completely missed the point of this thread dr nick I said many times in this thread I do not change her opinions I said she was seeking comfort in me and with the difference in beliefs I was simply wondering how to give that to her without hurting her in anyway


Well-Known Member
I don't wish to tell her not to believe nor to press my beliefs upon her it bothers me because these women give me more repsect and love that I have even had in my life I don't even know the woman who is losing her sight I just her sisters caregiver but we speak on the phone I care about all people and every week she brings it up pressing me to express my views and normally I don't without a care what people think but I'm guess I'm conflicted I don't want to share my views though I know she will respect them but each day she awakes in the same condition she becomes more depressed and I want to tell her even if there is a god he doesn't go around fixing that stuff guess I want to save her from losing all her faith as said above its all she has and that's her perogative I am not here in this world to judge
I dont beleive in God but when people pray I bow my head. The great thing about being an athiest is there is no angry god getting jealous.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I would just nod respectfully and try and answer with a non-answer.
But, if you want a smooth talker to put it to her politely.
Show her some old school Carl Sagan.



Active Member
Actually, I believe you missed mine, I was being humorous, but I see now that I've got to be blunt with you. All religious beliefs aside, you simply don't tell her. It is not your place.

Look, it's like when you have tell someone that their cough is actually being caused by a metastatic carcinoma. Some people firmly believe that they will be healed. And so what? Best case scenario, they die believing that God might still heal them. Worst case, they die in desperation believing that their God has abandoned them. By harping on the extreme hopelessness of their circumstances all you do is hasten their demise. For example, there was a famous study concerning the effects of hope on drowning rats. In this particular rat-drowning study, the rats that were pulled from their buckets just before drowning would swim for nearly twice as long as those allowed succumb to exhaustion and unconsciousness (there was a similar study done with puppies too). All telling her would do you do is tear away that little shred of hope from an old woman. Besides, I'm sure she does understand the gravity of the situation whether you're aware of it or not.

Simply put, there is no good in you telling her that she won't be healed. No more anyhow, than there is in my telling you how unattractive the woman in your avatar photo is. See, no matter how true the statement is, it is just unnecessary.


Although, you'd be suprised what you can learn from a troll, i apparently picked up some tricks... :twisted:

Raven- my kitties a better ninja :p

see, I told ya....


Weed Modifier
Hey rene I did not even realize this was your thread i had posted in here awhile back.... look like you are finding few new friends here???


Well-Known Member
Hey rene I did not even realize this was your thread i had posted in here awhile back.... look like you are finding few new friends here???
yes i remember that but it is mine and is interesting to hear views however apparently many people miss the point *shakes head*


Well-Known Member
haha thanks funny thing is that pic was for halloween my goth look is way better but these days i have to be more uptight in my work