How do you smoke your weed?


Well-Known Member
I've seen steam rollers get poplar enough to get a glass one.
We have one made out of carboard for the center of a roll of poly.


Active Member
Yep...most of us west coasters are enchanted by complexed waterpipes with multiple percs, ice chambers, and vapor intakes.

Purity is good.


Well-Known Member
hey all, in the uk it quite normal to smoke a j with bacci in it, I hate packeted cigs,with ganja or not. the bacci in those things is rank and make me sick when smoked in a j,. I smoke rolling bacci,cutter choice, Golden Virgina,Drum, I do it because I smoked ciggys before I ever toked the ganja,,
however now i smoke the ciggys during the day or at work and prefer to hit bongs and smoke blunts of an eve, with maybe the odd bacci dobbie in there some where to get my nicotine fix....the ratio of bacci to green is about 70% ganja to 30% bacci in there. It also helps keep the spliff lit with all dat weed in there./ I dont know id this is true but apparnatly when smoking a dobbie you only get 15% of what you smoke as most of it just rises as smoke,,
take it easy all

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
How do you guys smoke your weed?

Here in Oregon many of us windsurfers/kiteboarders prefer vapor hits and bong hits. A nice bowl if you're traveling. I virtually never see joints anymore, just nice glass pipes. If you go to someones home, bong hits are the norm.

No one here would ever think of mixing weed with tobacco.

I use a glass bong filled with crushed ice. I either vaporize it with a Wagner heat gun or smoke it normally. I have my own business so I get to smoke while I work:mrgreen:
lol i got a buddy out there who says EVERYONE mixes tabacco with their weed


Well-Known Member
Never mixed tobacco with my not want to spoil the flavor. I just use a simple glass on glass bong when kicking it at home. When out mountain biking or hiking, a joint rules. Self contained and easy to use.
I use to have a few pieces and a bong but momma smashed them. Now I just roll uh spliff or a blunt. I like to get dem royal blunt junts.


Active Member
Joints are my fave, but I usually use a glass pipe or bong, to conserve my stash! Once I can harvest a decent yield, the balance will probably be more joints!