How do you smoke your weed?


Well-Known Member
I smoke blunt after blunt all day everyday when i got it.We normally use peach optimos or swisher sweets.I can tell the tobacco wrap is hurting my lungs more than the marijuana because when i use a bong or a pipe my throat and chest will feel fine even if i smoke like a couple grams of hash and an eigth of bud to myself,but when i smoke blunts day in and day out i get nasty lung butter type of gunky crap in my chest and i can be smoking the same amount of marijuana that would not bother me in a pipe/bong/vaporizer.

Hey man, somking a blunt now for the first time in a month or so. I was like you then, I made myself put them down. this is why, Taste was inconsstat with the same brand and flavor, some times my fav blt would make me sick and fuck my weed. lung butter yep thats a sign form god now I get it from my bong useding less weed 1-2g's. so a vap is the anwser??? I dont think there is one thats healthy enough to fight lung butter.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, somking a blunt now for the first time in a month or so. I was like you then, I made myself put them down. this is why, Taste was inconsstat with the same brand and flavor, some times my fav blt would make me sick and fuck my weed. lung butter yep thats a sign form god now I get it from my bong useding less weed 1-2g's. so a vap is the anwser??? I dont think there is one thats healthy enough to fight lung butter.

I started using a vape about a month ago. Got to admit my lung capacity has increased. I was fecking running on the beach, i never run, when on vacation. If I'm home the vape it is. If I'm out bowl or twisty.


Well-Known Member
yup, the vape is the best, easy on throat and lungs, like kilo i noticed a difference in my lung capacity. Blunts, in my opinion, are a waste of weed and lung space. Blunts are most harmful way to smoke herb. Then its pipe and bong becuase of the butane, joint then vape. Of couse eating is the healthiest, but takes too long to get high. Vaporking that vape is tha shizit. im saving my money for an upgrade.


Well-Known Member
yup, the vape is the best, easy on throat and lungs, like kilo i noticed a difference in my lung capacity. Blunts, in my opinion, are a waste of weed and lung space. Blunts are most harmful way to smoke herb. Then its pipe and bong becuase of the butane, joint then vape. Of couse eating is the healthiest, but takes too long to get high. Vaporking that vape is tha shizit. im saving my money for an upgrade.
thanks man it really helped man the flavors that come out of those vapor clouds are amazing..there is no combustion either.thats all sweet vapor
Smoking high quality ganj and putting tobacco in it is a slap in the face to all weed in the world. I will keep my cigarettes and weed seperate, thank you very much.
1 : Bong Hits (for the head rush)
2 : Natural Leaf Blunt (always prefer Sky's the Limit Notorious BIG, pancakes and syrup are amazing)
3 : Large Joint (natural, unbleached papers only)
4 : Gravity Bong 2-liter Style (for the occasional kick in the teeth)
6 : Portable glass whenever traveling
Vaporizers taste like poop.
vaporking im rockin a extreme Q thing is the shit. I usually only rip that or double 6 arm tree perk bong from pure. i like my herb clean.
jared wtf vaporizer you rippin that tastes like poop. vaporizers will make shwag taste like cali's finest out of a bowl. somebody back me up here.


Well-Known Member
I smoke out of a small pipe most of the times but when i really want to get stoned i use a shotgun pipe. I tried a vaporizer but it just wasnt my thing. I use a roor bong for those type of hits. Place some ice in the bong and get ripped!



Well-Known Member
First I pack a bowl......

Then I grab my trusty Bic lighter.....

Then I....

oh nevermind...


Well-Known Member
All kinds of ways, mostly bongs, joints and pipes in the car, vaporizer, blunts, hot knives, you name it we do it here.


Well-Known Member
Here in a Dallas,Tx area...

When I have nice stuff... either bong or glass pipe...

When I have medium stuff... I tend to stick to joints and blunts... with the occasional pipe.

As for the bong goes I usually use cold water with ice cubes in the top part of it.

(and I don't care what people say... you can't roll a joint nicer than a joint roller can. I love my joint roller haha.)
i love smoking european joints ( cone shaped with a splif at the end Photo0197.jpg because you never go wrong with a cone and it hits perfectly and has the right amount cuz you get a lot in the beginning then less at the end cuz its resined up and you stoned as fuck :D) or my zong IMG_0495.jpg or just a nice blunt cuz its nice to relax get a nice indica and put in a season of house haha hmm ima go do that now! haha il be back guys keep smoking


Active Member
Bluemoon, careful not to drop that joint in the sink :D

I only smoke joints and bongs. Want to get me a vape tho soon
big slama i can roll a joint as good as a joint roller, their just nice if your lazy and dont feel like rolling, and i love rolling joints and blunts because to me its more of an art and its almost stress relieving for me... then i take a hit and the stress is all gone! :D
p.s. i ment no disrespect or to be a jackass