How Do You Smoke your Buds?


Well-Known Member
4-20-07... "2" 28 gram blunts!..grinded the bud in my coffee grinder and this is what i got..a 3.8 pilw of keif!...then pressed it into hash!


Well-Known Member
Thats a badass piece of hasish man is that buds and all or just the stuff fromm the top of the grinder?


Active Member
My favorite little pipe.

My friend had that exact same pipe up to 3 days ago. We were at work, had a couple drinks (since we work in a restaurant and bar) we were walking inside from a little pipe session right after the countdown while the managers and every employee who isn't a pothead were still hugging and shit. Walk inside and my buddie drops it right in front of the managers office on the tiles, broke into multiple parts. Lucky for us it didn't shatter and he was able to just pick up the pieces and throw it out quickly.


Well-Known Member
double bubbler! doesnt rip you like a bong hit, smooth as. used to be j's but pipes are so much more economical!


Well-Known Member
I just started takin knife hits again too man....Mostly scissor goo, But they go hard as steel man....:confused: <they make me feel like that, Thats nice


Active Member
I loved to hit my Green Label RooR with all 18.8 joints and ice notches it was about 18 inch tall. Until Christmas night when the Wife broke it.... So now I'm back to a old glass liquor bottle bong (bong vodka bottle), until March or so then I&#8217;m getting a German White Label Dealers Cup RooR with 18.8 Joints, Ice Notches, and an Ash catcher... Can't wait............