How Do You Smoke your Buds?


New Member
Thats pretty sick! I love goshlager. I also love those little cinnamon hearts on valentines day.

I smoke a doober using zig zag 1 1/4 orange pack. I spin an awesome doob. Sometimes I put a roach in the end of my joint if I'm feeling feisty.


Active Member
i like blunts but i've been using my glass pipe recently.

hit a couple gravity bongs the other day that hit me pretty good.


Active Member

Smoke a huge blunt inside your vehicle with the windows up. Don't leave that bitch even if you feel like passing out from air deprivation.

I do like my bong, though.


Well-Known Member
Bong bong bongetty bong. I love bongs. Bongy bong bong. But the glass pipe is the sub when a bong isn't present.


Well-Known Member
I was tokin it last night outta my 2 foot glass on glass with a heat gun and some of Gods Gifts, and got to Thinkin about How other people burn there sweet sweet herbs? I prefer a Bong or a clear doobie or grape bliiizzzunt Pref a bong (a big one), The heat guns a badass way to get the effect of a vap without having to spend all the money. Mine was like 15 bucks, works pretty good,But foggin out the car and not getting out for fresh air till the blunts gone is pretty fun as fuck as well...good old oxygen dep:mrgreen: has anybody tried a heat gun before? Lets make this a big thread