How do you make purple bud?


Well-Known Member
I hear if you do DWC you can put ice in the reservoir to pull this off, but all the same this is just a rumour...

What do I know?
An excessive amount can cause the solution in the res can dilute the nutrient so be careful.


Active Member
OK the black light is a waste of time and puts off a decent amount of heat, why bother adding extra heat if it wont be beneficial? You won't find seeds at a head shop order off the net, it's safe and discreet. Colder temps can bring out slight purple colors in some bud, but like others have said if you want purple, get a purple strain.


Well-Known Member
A good idea would be to put the ice in the reservoir inside ziploc's, so it does change the pH and PPM's, then you pull out the plastic bags, with the melted ice (water now) and bring the temperature down during the night, before you go to bed, remember to put the ice/ziploc in the reservoir, and voila!
Or something more fancy, to add a device to cool the water down during the night with a timer and all... Do the research.

Those purple nugs look great... Thanks.



Well-Known Member
A good idea would be to put the ice in the reservoir inside ziploc's, so it does change the pH and PPM's...

I meant to say so it doesn't change the ppm and pH, still... the ziploc idea, I think I would do it if I had a DWC, bu i grow on coco coir.




Well-Known Member
If you leave a black light on yourself, would that change the color of yourself? I doubt it, why? Because it's all in the genetics.... We as humans are not suppose to be purp, and plants aren't suppose to be either, unless genetically altered. Good luck w/ your blacklight experiment tho :)


ya i heard that if you are growing outside let them live through a couple of frosts when its below 32 f for like 5 times and it make them turn purple. If inside i heard of people getting big freezers and keeping there plants in there for 3 to 4 weeks after typical harvest time. I never tried it but my buddy did and said it works. Supposedly.


first thing is to flush the hell out of your plant/plants with organic you need to flush very very good,I start two befor harvest three times a week always flush 2x more then soil next you need to drop the temp this is a must fall is what changes the color so if your room is 75-80 you need to drop to 65-70 do this it will work depending on the type of weed the colors will very.let all of us know what happens:hump:


there is a way to make your weed purple without coming from a purple strain but it will not look the same.... you should only flower for about 8 weeks and the last 2-3 weeks of flowering make your grow room really cold during its dark time, this basically bruises the leaves giving it a purple look


Well-Known Member
Flush for one week with colder water and then at the last three flush with ice water for the last three days and put them in total darkness for the last 24 hours in freezing cold temps. for the last week i recomend that you have an ac in the room because it dehums also. Make sure you get a portable one. ALso get a dumhum to avoid mold in colder temps. Most of them will be da purps if you grow a purple strain.
Ive had blueberry go purple in october and ive had rennee get some purple both outdoors. Its just colder temps and also really cold root temps. thats why hydro can get more purple. It wont get dark purple. just a nice noticable purp.


Well-Known Member
I feel like I cant even be on riu any more, most of these replies are stupid... Cold weateher kils plants and stresses the fuck out of them... 32 is feeezing, meaning death.. How old are u by the way? You no cold weather slowes growth and makes yield shitty, You dont even no what purple strains meant...
With purple plants.

You're question is stupid what do you want from us, asshole? BTW cold weather is the right answer - you are the stupid one.

bca21 ignored.


Well-Known Member
WTF is wrong with people these days WHO GIVES A FUCK if its FUCKING PURPLE you have to be half retarded to even care purple does not mean SHIT if you want purple go to attitude seed bank and fucking buy a god damn purple seed strain dont stress a normal plant compromising its actual potency and flavor just so you can go oooo purty color FUCK purple. you want a purple strain go buy some lavender or deep purple or purple haze or Querkle or blueberry or any of those quit being a lazy fuck and search seed banks for PURPLE. NO I have a better Idea go buy a PURPLE FUCKING sharpie marker and color your buds purple it will be the same it will taste like SHIT but it will still get you just as high as any other weed but who gives a FUCK BECAUSE ITS PRETTY. its smoke damn it you burn it it all looks the same when its gone its ash. FUCK PURPLE


Well-Known Member
I actually have a blacklight so I am interested to see if this is how you do it, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with limiting the oxygen
LOL blacklights wont help. its the strain thats it. its genetic.


Active Member
my buddy left is basment door open ( the wind blew it) he found it a few days later and one of his plants had turned purple, it was alsomost done. sock treatment can also change your plant colors. befor harvest you give them five days cold water no lights


Well-Known Member
I'm not pissed im just sick of people thinking its special, are you a pedophiliac? trying to get in some freshman? or are you under 18.]

Hah! id like to know whats going on here to please!
It is true though young people think purple buds is amazing even if its shit they all be like "yo im gangsta cause i got me sum purple haze now, str8 ballin son"


Well-Known Member
WTF is wrong with people these days WHO GIVES A FUCK if its FUCKING PURPLE you have to be half retarded to even care purple does not mean SHIT if you want purple go to attitude seed bank and fucking buy a god damn purple seed strain dont stress a normal plant compromising its actual potency and flavor just so you can go oooo purty color FUCK purple. you want a purple strain go buy some lavender or deep purple or purple haze or Querkle or blueberry or any of those quit being a lazy fuck and search seed banks for PURPLE. NO I have a better Idea go buy a PURPLE FUCKING sharpie marker and color your buds purple it will be the same it will taste like SHIT but it will still get you just as high as any other weed but who gives a FUCK BECAUSE ITS PRETTY. its smoke damn it you burn it it all looks the same when its gone its ash. FUCK PURPLE
This post completely slipped my mind lol. +reps to this fella right here..