How do you get rid of the tire - older guys. Six Pack Abs - not a beer six pack

Turning 70 in a couple months, and though I have tried many regimens (including no alcohol for 3 weeks) I haven't been able to shrink my belly in decades

My neighbor's wife told me about Bio TE, a fairly new method for delivering testosterone on a time release basis. Cost is roughly $600 including initial blood work and 'physical/consult'. Im gonna give it a try soon. Do a search, available in lots of places
Turning 70 in a couple months, and though I have tried many regimens (including no alcohol for 3 weeks) I haven't been able to shrink my belly in decades

My neighbor's wife told me about Bio TE, a fairly new method for delivering testosterone on a time release basis. Cost is roughly $600 including initial blood work and 'physical/consult'. Im gonna give it a try soon. Do a search, available in lots of places
Try fasting, it works 100 percent of the time.
Turning 70 in a couple months, and though I have tried many regimens (including no alcohol for 3 weeks) I haven't been able to shrink my belly in decades

My neighbor's wife told me about Bio TE, a fairly new method for delivering testosterone on a time release basis. Cost is roughly $600 including initial blood work and 'physical/consult'. Im gonna give it a try soon. Do a search, available in lots of places
Fat belly? I throw a net in the back yard. Tightens the abs after a bit, and if you get on some water you are ready to fish.
I juice fasted for 30 days in hopes of ridding my body of a virus- didn't work

and I doubt fasting will resolve low T
What? I don't wanna doubt your word but its impossible. I hear all the time about people saying they tried all kinds of diets and they failed. The diet didn't fail, they did. There's a doctor who has posted vids on youtube who advocated fasting for overweight people with diabetes, he has a house where they stay under medical supervision. The guy interviewing him asked him if it worked for everybody. He said he had supervised hundreds and never saw anyone who didn't lose weight. Its impossible to fast and not lose weight. You must have been drinking gallons of juice. Juice fasting isn't really fasting anyway. Fasting helps the immune system but isn't going to get rid of virus all by itself.
I was overweight and felt sick as hell all the time for a decade. I cut out dairy and gluten and I am down 50 pounds and in much less pain. My stomach is no longer in knots all day and my back feels much better not having the extra baggage.

The first week without gluten is hell though. I firmly believe there is a physical addiction to it.
No matter what you do unless you keep doing it you will bloat back up.

That's what they mean by its not a diet it is a lifestyle.

Find a way to eat that will get you where you want to be and continue eating that way.

Whatever food path you choose to live with I would start it with a 30 day reset. Something like "the whole 30"
Then choose a path...
Nsng, keto, etc
Throw away anything in the kitchen that will tempt you

Abs are made in the kitchen.
You cant out run a bad diet, yada, yada.

Notice I did not mention exercise,
It is not a good way to lose weight.
It simply creates hunger hormones that you will
A respond to by eating shitty food
B live miserable while ignoring it.

Its about hormones and how you trigger them with food.
Grains and sugar are not your friend.
Meat, veg and fruit are great.
Just skip the potato due to the starch becoming sugar.
No fruit juice because the sugar has been stripped from the fiber.
Now it is a big glass of sugar.

Exercise for health and fitness but
Eat for weight loss.

If you eat nsng (no grain, no sugar) you will never feel deprived except for the first couple weeks.

My recommendation is nsng, google vinnie tortorich. He has finally made a quickstart guide.

If you are a very disciplined person go keto. Im not that disciplined.

Extra credit if you fast for 12 hours between your first and last meal in a 24 hour cycle

Some things to consider
Potatoes are the devil,
Regular milk is the devil but hard cheeses and cream is ok

Because lactose converts to sugar

Grains, sugar, starch, lactose all
Trigger the hormones that are causing you to hold fat and feel like you are

Stick with 1 eating style.
Eating fat is good unless you pair it with things that convert to sugar.


Have a plan, Go study no grain no sugar from Vinnie Tortorich.

If you reach a plateau cut the fruit.

So much more to say but Vinnie has said it already. He also has a podcast

You really have no carb requirment
Your body will convert what it needs.

Your brain runs very well on fat.

Don't let people scare you, unless you
Have a serious medical condition keto, or nsng will actually lower blood pressure etc..

High level athletes are surviving very well like this.

Last thing is this, you will feel full and be satisfied if you are able to follow simple instructions.

No reason why I typed all this other than that I hate to see people try and fail and eventually give up.

You are not hungry because your fat
You are hungry because your body is trying to get fat because you are fucking with hormones via food.

The 30 day crash course is to get your metabolic crisis in order, from there
Eat smartly and SLOWLY you will get there
Fasting was never gonna help wrinkly skin or a protruding belly that isn't fat. A plastic surgeon is needed for the wrinkly skin and protruding belly can be a sign of things like IBS or cirrhosis.
If you loose weight too fast the floppy skin is a problem.

I expect if you were really huge the the floppy skin will be a problem.

I have seen 300 lbrs slowly loose the weight and the body adjusted more or less as they went. However that last skin may never fully snap back on its own in some circumstances.
If you loose weight too fast the floppy skin is a problem.

I expect if you were really huge the the floppy skin will be a problem.

I have seen 300 lbrs slowly loose the weight and the body adjusted more or less as they went. However that last skin may never fully snap back on its own in some circumstances.
yeh, and stretch marks too, the skin has too be removed. On Biggest Loser they gave away skin surgery for those people. Really stupid show, I'm surprised they didn't kill someone.
Fasting is the opposite of what you want. That yells your body to store fat, cause you are starving! You can actually boost your metabolism with many smaller meals vs 3 large meals or fasting
There is so much bad info that has been passed along for so many years it is understandable that few will be able to agree.
Just please accept I am correct.
Why we get fat and what to do about it.
Read it if you get a chance.
Audio version is good.

Section one of the book is
Why we get fat
Section two is
What to do about it
My husband and I are trying this stuff. Just stared it today. I like what Dr. Gundry has to say about microbes and our digestion. After my hysterectomy I started having a lot of digestive problems. The antibiotics they pumped me with destroyed a lifetime of good microbes I had in my digestive system. I believe this can be the problem of not being able to loss weight as well, like dr. Gundry explains if you listen to his videos.
It should not have to be so difficult to lose weight if your digestive trac is well balanced and functioning at optimal level.