How do you get rid of the tire - older guys. Six Pack Abs - not a beer six pack

i think you're oversimplifying it a lot... Salt is not necessarily bad, and is needed for a lot of bodily functions.

Taste itself doesn't mean that food isn't healthy. Take fruits for example...

Also fiber is probably the most important constituent in a healthy gut (and i mean good, real fiber assimilated from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables that haven't been boiled to destruction)

Common Mortons table salt is bad. Sea 90 minerals sells Baja Salt. Unlike Himalayn it has a good ratio of magnesium Probably the best, but not available even in health stores. Order from Amazon
So in other words, that would be 20 minutes of sustained activity before you "burn fat".

On average, yes. Some may start sooner, some less. It depends on your body composition and metabolism.

The bottom line is that we draw our daily energy needs from the glycogen stored in muscle and organs, and the glucose stored in our blood. Any form of exercise will use those stores of energy to fuel muscle movement FIRST, before resorting to the conversion and use of fats for energy. Studies demonstrated that it took 20 minutes for a TRAINED athlete to burn through his glycogen reserves while running before the body started to transition to fat burning.

Weight lifting alone is not enough, which is why power lifters can be fat as fuck, and body builders still need to diet like a bitch, and do cardio to burn fats despite the steroids and monster sets in the gym.
I also promise you most peoples downfall is cheat days, cheat meals etc...
Forget them. 1 leads to two leads to a cheat week and you are right back to where you are.

Once you get the system clean you wont have the constant cravings
Until you cheat and the carbs trigger the insulin response.

You have cheated enough no?

No grains, no sugar except fruit.
Lactos equals sugar
Potatoes - sugar
Flour - sugar
Quinoa will be converted to sugar
It might as well be rice.

If you stall out stop the fruit.

Your body will live nicely on fat
Your brain will function great as well

You Don't need to eat simple carbs.

Remember we are talking about someone trying to sculpt the last bit.

However it has to be a lifestyle or you will revert.
You Don't have to like this info
You can continue to be fat.
I still love you

There are extreme endurance athletes living keto, nsng, etc

Surely you don't require more than them.
I watched a Netflix movie on Keto two and half weeks ago and haven't had sugar, carbs, or starches in my diet since. Cooking with butter is so easy! Sugar cravings gone after 48 hours, but tough first week for mental and physical energy. Week 2 began with noticeably improved mental focus, and just now getting my physical energy back. Think I'll keep it going, my wife just joined the diet. Very interesting experiment for me and I'm starting to really look at processed sugary shit as poison.
I watched a Netflix movie on Keto two and half weeks ago and haven't had sugar, carbs, or starches in my diet since. Cooking with butter is so easy! Sugar cravings gone after 48 hours, but tough first week for mental and physical energy. Week 2 began with noticeably improved mental focus, and just now getting my physical energy back. Think I'll keep it going, my wife just joined the diet. Very interesting experiment for me and I'm starting to really look at processed sugary shit as poison.
Awesome, its counter-intuitive to what most of us were indoctrinated into but people are starting to come around.
I've been meaning to watch that.

There is a great book called why we get fat and what to do about it you might like
Lo carb is the new low fat.

Arnold Schwarzenegger ate 65% carbs when competing and was not fat. I got in shape with a high carb diet once too, just not the crappy processed kind. Things like milk have a lot of carbs too, most people don't realize that.
Lo carb is the new low fat.

Arnold Schwarzenegger ate 65% carbs when competing and was not fat. I got in shape with a high carb diet once too, just not the crappy processed kind. Things like milk have a lot of carbs too, most people don't realize that.
You are right about milk.
Things ending ose are going to be sugar.

Good news about milk though is that once it is made into hard cheese its much better, same with butter.

If you have to have milk in your coffee
Heavy cream is good.

Once they remove fats the taste is gone so they add sugar.
Problem, fat is what satiates you
Sugar makes you fat n hungry
Soooo? Exactly, more milk!
Viscous cycle

I have a buddy who competed and back in the day they did what was called dirty bulking. Google it.

Most world class body builders
Have a bulking phase, and a cutting phase.

On show day they are super ripped and also the weakest they have been.

We aren't talking about ways to temporarily cut weight.

At least im not.

And you are right that some specimens like arnold can do amazing things. That's why he is arnold.

You say you got in shape once with a high carb diet once too, were you able to maintain it?
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And arnold definitely used roids.
Im not judging because they all were.
But their diet does not apply to non competition types.

The bodybuilding topic is interesting though because some of them have been using this insulin response to their advantage (knowing that the cutting phase would be where the weight was lost).

Anyway they would workout and within thirty minutes they took the recovery drink and chug down a coke.

Or drink chocolate milk


They were bulking and felt the sugar would trigger the insulin and that would cause them to uptake more.

Im not going to argue with the fact that these guys know how to bulk then temporarily cut.

Im pointing out that they at least understood how insulin worked.

Anyway, I said I wouldn't post about this anymore and I did. Lol

That was my failure.
No matter how you choose to eat
I still love you. Lol

Peace out for real this time
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And arnold definitely used roids.
Im not judging because they all were.
Right he admitted he used eat them like m&m’s. When he competed he ate carbs yes but good ones. Like he said he lost on a high carb ONCE meaning he most likely didn’t keep it off. Carbs are worse than any drug. Carbs aren’t needed by the body it breaks down what it needs for energy.
It's plain addition and subtraction. If you burn more calories than you take in, fat will go away. There's no way you could burn off 2k calories and eat/drink only 1500 without losing weight. Actually, if you kept that up, you'd die of malnutrition. There's no trick. How long have you been at it(exercising) and how often do you do it? Diets aren't the answer. If you do some diet that you feel is weird for you and you just wait to see the results and then go back to what's normal for you, it will be a never-ending cycle of frustration. Plain and simple, though carrying it out and making life/health choices that last are not. For me, moderation and daily regular exercise is what it takes.