How Do You Get Busted w/ a Person "Wire"?


Active Member
Just curious how the pig shit goes down. Wondering is it a camera is it a microphone, are the cops watching at that moment or do they back later.


Active Member
I wanted to know how weed sale bust goes down when ethier the saler has the wire or the buyer. The one w/ the wire is not a cop but a rat or DWB.


Well-Known Member
I learned everything I know by watching the one eyed hypnotist. Its done many different ways.
Cops lie. The end.


Well-Known Member
Your sig line had me in stitches.... thanks for the laugh....

btw, 9/11 wasn't an inside job, the certificate is real & there is no new world order :roll: since when can people just change the meaning of a word? A hater is not a dis-liker... it is one that harbors an intense dis-like...., a rage.... are you a hater? ;)

I learned everything I know by watching the one eyed hypnotist. Its done many different ways.
Cops lie. The end.


Well-Known Member
I believed 9/11 untill I saw the twin towers pancake into dust.
I believed (not really) the BC untill he released another fake one.
Dont worry about the globalists, just dont eat any solyent green.
I have an 1828 Noah Websters (reprint) in which Noah says
Hate = strong dislike; aversion. Hate is just another emotion.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
From the sound of it, you're going to make the cop's job very easy. Thank you for keeping the heat off of the rest of us. Let us know where you end up so we can send you 10 bucks for some smokes.


Well-Known Member
well with the wire,the cop or the person setting u up can have it, by coming to u telling u i need like a ounce,ok n then they follow u around and until they get a good chance they come to u, get u for possesion and they will always ask who is the bigger dealer around town and yeah bust u and ur connect