wow dude i was totally agreeing with you then i read your loading the joint so you get the good bit in the rotation, thats almost as fucked up. in my circles front loading a j is fucking low. hey each to their own tho man.
heres a solution to your stingy mates not puttin in or bringing gear. rolla joint up smoke what you want of it be it 1/2 of it hell 3/4 and pass what you dont want on, your friends will soon enough bring their gear out, and you know what to say if they dont like it right?
it's not low when it's your green and always has been your green, not theirs, as i say, these are the people i drift away from, as they're pikey dicks. and yes, i will happily roll a joint, top half weed, bottom half baccy, and pass it on. if they're gonna be pikey they can have whatever. i'll roll them a cigarrette and tell tehm a joint if they are pikey enough.
don't get me wrong, if it was with a friend i liked and was happy to smoke with, albeit with a tinge of annoyance at times, then i'll roll up a fatty, i just do that for the poeple that don't deserve it, just sit next to you as if it's defaulting to them next by that very guesture, so the weedless reef they get is not an "haha, i got to smoke it all" it's more a screw you work that one out! kinda thing

and trust, if they're cheap enough, and just want the weed for free etc, then you can just play along, man, i'm sooo high, yeah man, me tooooo, i'm wrecked!

little private joke that'll always give me a giggle
and yeah, that sounds like a good plan, can't understand how i didn't think of that before, probably as someone said, by that pont, you're so mashed you give it to them before you get a hold of wat you'd like to do
and also, if the joint was an amalgamation of what people have chipped in, then of course not, i wouldn't ever pack a reef like that, that's just stealing off them, might as well just leave half the stuff in the grinder for youself later

i'm not like that, just hate cheap ass pillocks!