How do you behave when you go to restaurants?

My wife was a waitress, may be again if the little one learns to fend for herself. So we're very generous. Even if service was shit I leave 20%, depending on what factors made it so. Maybe 15% if the person was a bitch. I only send food back if it's wrong and do so in a jokingly way as not to alienate the server. I don:t want to brag but if I sit at your table, you've hit the customer jackpot.
My wife was a waitress, may be again if the little one learns to fend for herself. So we're very generous. Even if service was shit I leave 20%, depending on what factors made it so. Maybe 15% if the person was a bitch. I only send food back if it's wrong and do so in a jokingly way as not to alienate the server. I don:t want to brag but if I sit at your table, you've hit the customer jackpot.
I'm with u bro, I feel like witch lucky server is gonna get us.. I'm so laid back and relaxed my girl has to nudge me to make sure I'm still with
I don't go out much anymore because of the bad service I've received and my wife's cooking is usually better and more plentiful than what I end up getting.

When I do I try to be generous but its really fucking hard when your server is behind the bar/counter playing on their phone and it takes a few attempts to get their attention.

All the fancier places around already have a gratuity added to the bill, that almost makes the service worse as they're getting a tip anyway.

Sorry, might be the area I'm at but I haven't had that great of experiences eating out.
I'm a generous tipper, usually 25%, more if I've had a good experience. I'll tip 15% if the server didn't do well, but I'll note the number of servers to the crowd and give them a break if its a madhouse. I never blame the waitress if the food was bad. I just won't go back to the establishment.

When I was a kid, a good buddy's dad owned one of the top prime beef steakhouses in Los Angeles. Absolutely fantastic beef. The head chef was an old Mexican guy who was a fucking artist with all things beef, Ricardo. One nite some guy orders a top sirloin, typically 3 in thick, wants it medium rare. Gets his steak, complains its too rare, sends it back. This annoys Ricardo but he puts in back on the grill for a bit, still too rare, now the kitchen staff is getting worried cuz Ricardo starts cussing in Spanish. Fucking guy sends it back! Ricardo is white hot, takes the steak and wrings it like a dishrag puts it on the grill for a couple minutes. The waitress is shitting bricks, takes it to the guy.....fucker loved it. It was way well done and he thinks that is medium rare.
Seriously! Women always seem to escalate situations like these.
Really, if I'm in a fight and some bitch comes in throwing blows you bet your ass I'm gonna deck her, act like a man get beat like a man, she started the whole fight too, it pisses me of that they think they can do anything and we're just gonna stand there and let them, you want equal rights you got it bitch
I believe that the eggplant was my destiny! Recently I was at an Italian restaurant. The waiter showed up to the table with the wrong order;eggplant. I saw the look in his eye, he was sorry, he said, " I'll take it back and make it right" I replied, "eggplant is my destiny" The waiter was relieved, the eggplant was pretty #^(%!*@ good. Also several other items/ appetizers just showed up at the table. Of course I left 20%. I would have left more if he would have shown a little leg:) I waited tables when I was a puppy, I guess I just "feel your pain."
My wife was a waitress, may be again if the little one learns to fend for herself. So we're very generous. Even if service was shit I leave 20%, depending on what factors made it so. Maybe 15% if the person was a bitch. I only send food back if it's wrong and do so in a jokingly way as not to alienate the server. I don:t want to brag but if I sit at your table, you've hit the customer jackpot.

I have always found that under-tipping does no good. For example, if you leave ten percent because the service was awful, the waiter is more inclined to use your poor tip as a justification for the poor service - as in, "I knew they weren't going to tip me." It is sort of a catch 22.

I did get severely pissed when our local sushi joint made a weaselly move to put 18% tip on a two-top without telling us. Then they sort of buried it in the check. At first we tipped 20% and then got to looking at it as it seemed rather expensive. So we were tipping 43.6%! And BTW, the service was shitty. I told Buck's uncle and the place went out of business soon after.
Black people never tip.
about 6 months back a black couple paid for my lady and my dinner...i never seen him before or since. i passed it on a couple weeks later.
i usually tip 20% even if the food sucks it's not the servers fault. if the server sucks i leave 5-10% n let em know why. i take into account how busy they are too.
about 6 months back a black couple paid for my lady and my dinner...i never seen him before or since. i passed it on a couple weeks later.
i usually tip 20% even if the food sucks it's not the servers fault. if the server sucks i leave 5-10% n let em know why. i take into account how busy they are too.
It was a joke. I'm from a mixed family. I thought this section had thicker skin....
I'm from a mixed family.

Me too!
