how do some strains get their fruity flavor?


Well-Known Member
wussupers my POTnuh's!? damn i just finished a bowl of some great smoke! don't know the strain but boy let me tell you! it has a fruity pebbles like scent and sorta taste like it too :mrgreen:! i'm pretty damn key'd. oh yea anyway i was wonderin, seriously, how the hell does marijuana(some strains) taste fruity? seriously? thanks :peace:


Active Member
Variables man.. I dunno. with thousands of possibilities some had to turn out fruity
thats what my mom said when i told her im gay

haha im just kidding im not gay,

thats a good question anyway, i hope to see some good answers :]


Well-Known Member
random genetic mutations, which breeders than bred these individual strains with said "fruity characteristics"...........the same way we domesticated wolves that became dogs......from weiner dogs to great danes