How do people push such high PPM in flower?

Here are some updated pics. I still don't think they are deficient as the new growth continues to show signs of burn as well as the undergrowth still being overall mostly healthy looking. I don't see a lot of textbook signs of N or P loss (no yellowing from the tips inward, yellow wilting, no purpling of stems). The splotching is hard to tell if it's P but as silly as it sounds I feel like 350 PPM or so is already pushing it. They are due to finish at the end of the month so at this point I guess finish with what I have and hope they fatten up. I'm not seeing a lot of bud swell yet and pistils are already turning orange on some parts yikes.
Yeah, that doesn't look like nute burn to me, it looks like older leaves dying due to lack of nutrition. If it was nute burn, you would see it on the newer growth, not on the older leaves, which is what I see in your pic.
Funny enough I will be switching to pro mix HP for my next grow for that exact reason: blank slate. However, I was always led to believe happy frog had maybe 2 weeks worth of food in it? Ocean forest is a different story. They actually dry out a bit faster than 3 days even so I could be watering more. If I wait one day longer, the plants will be drooping/wilting. I think the 3 GAL size paired with being an air pot just dries them out crazy fast. Idk what I was thinking going with 6 3 GAL when I should have done like 3 10 gal pots. At this point I'm guessing my best option is cut to around 1/4 tsp bloom per gallon? Other option is keep the 1/2 tsp but add two waterings between feedings versus one. I may just run FP start to finish on my next grow for simplicity's sake. It's also hard to rule out PH sometimes as it seems like soil is a very poor PH buffer later in the grow. I PH my water correctly, but I can't shake the suspicion that the nutrient/ph down mixture absorbs at different rates, causing the actual soil PH to be driven lower than the PH of the water going in. I suppose some soil slurries could confirm?

I'm using organics in HP these days and seem to finally be getting the hang of it after 20 years of DWC. Never could grow in real dirt. My outdoor plants do really well and I try to mimic the mix outside in pots inside. I better get it figured out soon after dropping a few hun on nutes like gaia green etc. Can't grow outside any more with hemp farming in the area. The plants I grew this summer are full of seeds which explains why they seemed a lot smaller than last year's ones of the same strain.

How long plants can grow well in fresh Happy Frog or any other ready-mix blend depends on how big the plants and pots are in relation to the growth stage. Stick new clones in a 5gal pot and it'll go all the way to flowering 6 weeks later before needing anything but water. Personally I would wait until I started seeing a few old fan leaves start to yellow before supplementing with added nutes. If in smaller pots then just up-potting with fresh soil is enough to give them a good feed for a couple more weeks. I did that using ProMix Veg&Herb that has built in time-release organic nutes and it worked pretty good on it's own.

I'm pretty sure you're underfeeding as with your tap water being 200ppm you are only giving them 200ppm of actual feed. That 200ppm tap water is adding minerals to your pots that builds up over time as well so could be starting a little toxic salts buildup in the leaves that get warmer from the lights. A light flush ending in a good dose of nutes around 400-500ppm would be what I'd do. I only use RO or distilled water as our tap water is 400ppm and pH 8+ out of a dugout on the property.

Your plants look hungry to me and that burning could be low K and even other nutes. In flowering after the stretch pot likes more K than P and it also wants more Mg and S so epsom salts are good for those last two. I doubt pH is the issue.



Currently pushing about 2.4 ec no sign of nute burn. Running 1000 watt hps and 1400 ppm c02. Water everyday with feed. Running jacks nutrients and loving em.
I don't think this is nutrient burn either. Burn starts at the tips. It looks to me like that 210 ppm of tap water might have too much of the wrong micro nutrients. Maybe try using 75-80% RO filtered water.