How do i clean my pipe?


Well-Known Member
nevermind about cleaning the pipe now. me and my girlfriend were in the garage smoking and about an hour later we go inside well in the process of going inside she drops the pipe on the ground and it shattered!!! oh well it happens,, we both laughed about it at the time but now it sucks..p.s. im out of green.... NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO

i can make that into a cool marble for you. :bigjoint:

Total Head

Well-Known Member
use isopropyl alcohol and salt.

actually, use a poker, i need to sell some more glass. :)

Stole my answer. I use epsom salt though. It scrapes it up a bit better imo. I pour the alcohol and the salt in a baggie and hold the bowl loosly and shake. I wouldnt boil a filthy bowl unless this was done first. Great way to ruin a pan and it stinks pretty bad too.


i boil mines after i scrape what i can. iso leaves a shitty after taste in your glass f.y.i.

i also throw lemon juice and salt into the boiling water. i think it helps clean, but forsure helps with the boiling resin smell


forgot to add whn the boiling is all done i try to get up in there with a q-tip to get anything that remains and dry it out at the same time. on some of my pieces i have to rip a lil cotten off the q-tip to get it in there


Well-Known Member
youu can scrap it

you can boil it...

you can scrap and boil it...

you can let it soak in iso all night and run hot water thru it and it keeps the colour it gained....

or you can break it and rap the rez in tinfoil and smoke it... silver bullets.. tried them in high school couple times...
gets youu really high


Active Member
salt and alcohol work well...

salt and nail polish remover (acetone) works better...sounds bad but if you let it rinse out for a little bit its fine.