How come? ( read )


Well-Known Member
At times the questions are so basic that they are not answered. I try to answer any questions that i can. Keep the questions breef and to the point as well.
I'm just sayin
not everyone is like dat cuz dirtyboy helpd me out a few time so has other experts
it just depends on the question cuz even I kno a lil bit of info n if I c it I respond to it


Well-Known Member
90%+ are just cut and past from the link in my singature

Q - Is this male or female?

This may help.


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Q - Pot size for my plant.

A - My planting tip for 16oz cups.

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Q - What is my air handling system?

A - Air Handling for 4'x4'x8' 430watt flower room

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Q - Veg area

A - Mother-Vegging Clone Attachment 70" tall x 48" wide x 20" deep

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Q - Clones?

A - My first clone look at post #8 and watch the videos (5 min each).


Well-Known Member
Whenever you help a noob out with a question they ask, you always get a smart ass reply back with “no that can’t be because I already checked that” I love to say that if there is anything wrong with your plants %99 of the time it’s something to do with the PH or feeding. Nothing fucking mystical is going on with your shit because you are new or anything. It just gets to be redundant. I am a reader, and have never asked one question in a forum about shit. Google is the closest your going to get to an all knowing all loving being. Because Google will answer all of your questions, and never make fun of you for asking!


Well-Known Member
And try using full words when you post because that shit is so annoying to see that a kid is apt to ask a question about growing, but should be more concerned about how to spell and use a correct fucking sentence when asking a question! WTF people!


Well-Known Member
What I've noticed is that threads go to page 2 really fast here. You gotta bump sometimes if you really need the answer. But all in all, most all questions can be answered by using the search button. I know you are a pothead, but don't be lazy, do your research, it's all there. If you're that fucking lazy, you probably shouldn't be growing in the first place.

Second, speak English. There is nothing more annoying than people writing cryptic shit that that many experienced growers won't waste their time trying to decipher what the hell you are saying. The English language isn't that hard folks, no wut um sayin 2 u, yo?

Last, pictures... Pictures really help in diagnosing a problem. Although I think that some people on here use it for masturbatory material, it can be useful in figuring out what is wrong.

One more thing. Post count. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking just because the guy has a post count of 12, means he (or she) doesn't know what they are talking about... unless 3 or 4 people call him out, but you understand where I'm getting at.

Now, quit whining and hit that search button.


Well-Known Member
Points for user
  • Sum: 372
  • Reputation: 98
  • Use of reputation system: 10
  • Per day: 194
  • Friends: 6
  • Visitormessages: 32
  • Albumpictures: 33

this grower has 37 posts but 98 rep they may be a good help.


Well-Known Member
Im with you Lud but when i run out of fluid i start rubbing sticks together or looking for a magnifying glass