How come? ( read )


How come everyone on the site seems to stay away from the posts new users post?

I just find it aggrivating that newer members need more help with stuff and bigger problems and nobody bothers to answer the posts or anything, but they will answer the stupidest questions from long time members.

Im not trying to be a prick, but if your going to give advice, check out new members post's too. Ive received little to no help on any posts, and ive seen that nobody bothers with any other new members posts, and it makes me wonder why?

So it'd be helpful if you guys would check out everyones problem posts and not ignore new members questions. Because honestly, new members have the most important questions, but everyone to busy replying to all the dumb threads that arent even sometimes related to bud.

And to people who think differently, i mean the posts that give enough info, and enough details.

I guess its not hard for you guys because yall have grown before, but while your responding to the thread about the girl trying to find a bf in southern california, MANY new growers plants are dying from lack of help. Maybe we need to consider everyones questions.

I have personal experience from this. Ive threaded questions with enough information to make a retarded baby understand, and dont receive help.


Well-Known Member
1. the questions do not give enough info
2. the info has already been asked and answered about 600 times already
3. no pictures included w/post
4. they dont give details


Well-Known Member
At times the questions are so basic that they are not answered. I try to answer any questions that i can. Keep the questions breef and to the point as well.


Well-Known Member
i post a lot of help answers in the new grow section. if i see and know the answer.

most times i just look at new posts so help can be every were.


Well-Known Member
Yes I know what you mean but that forced me to grow and to stand on my own two i did my own homework did not look for someone to do it for me I read and I read. Yes I was ignored i dont need much help now been growing since this past January and i have a fuckin clue and your own knowledge will set you free. So dont spend your energy getting pissed off no-one owes you anything and you will be better off like me if you get it for yourself read read read oh did i tell you you have to read luck to you my brother im out (and by the way its because i love you)


New Member
so can any of us help you dude ? whats the prob ? just to let you know that when people respond to someones prob its because we want to not because we have to, am new myself but have found the site very friendly, but as someone said above after being asked about 600 times '' is this a male etc '' most people seem to come on and just post a thread without taking the time to find their way around the site, 99% about what people want to know can be found with a look around, but most people cant be botherd to look, so why should we be botherd to answer ? before i joined i read for about 2 weeks and still do from time to time, you can never know enough in this game.
Sometimes aswell its not what you ask its how you ask, but am sure we can now help you with what prob you have if not me someone else with more experience than me, but the reason we are all here in the first place is because we all love to grow and smoke top herb.
And welcome from me to RIU, when i joined a short way back only 1 person came forward and said welcome, thats just the way it goes.
But Hello and welcome to you.


Well-Known Member
so can any of us help you dude ? whats the prob ? just to let you know that when people respond to someones prob its because we want to not because we have to, am new myself but have found the site very friendly, but as someone said above after being asked about 600 times '' is this a male etc '' most people seem to come on and just post a thread without taking the time to find their way around the site, 99% about what people want to know can be found with a look around, but most people cant be bothers to look, so why should we be botherd to answer ? before i joined i read for about 2 weeks and still do from time to time, you can never know enough in this game.
Sometimes aswell its not what you ask its how you ask, but am sure we can now help you with what prob you have if not me someone else with more expereince than me, but the reason we are all here in the first place is because we all love to grow and smoke top herb.
And welcome from me to RIU, when i joined a short way back only 1 person came forward and said welcome, thats just the way it goes.
But Hello and welcome to you.
Put very well.
Every mod should stop in to say hi and welcome.


Well-Known Member
You cant come here spittin fire if ignored sometime their is a reason I thought things out and figured the readers i saw sometimes totaling 20 something with zero no nada zilcho respondo used to piss me off then i said maybe those poor soles knew less then me and did not hold the knowledge to respond or you see the deal is you are at the mercy of a person coming along when you are looking for an answer that person must hold the knowledge and have patients to spend with you at that time its easier to just read and move on instead of spend time all the time you feel me I like it better when people tell me where to find my own answers then i grow you know walk in the light my brother.


Look. For everyone who thinks im getting on their ass im not. Im not here to offend anyone or be a bitch in any way. I would just like if people were to help out new growers more than just responding to stupid ass posts that arent pot related. It just seems when someones plant is on the verge of dying and theyve done all the research with still no help, everyone preferes to reply to pointless threads.

And im not talking about the people who constantly re-post. Thats not true with everyone. I post one time, which usually its important, and stupid shit posted after me gets more posts than ill ever get. I just think its not fair. I dont have any questions. Im just saying we all need to help out with everyone, because as people are responding to threads about single cultivators looking for boyfriend and girlfirends, the majority of new growers plants are dying.

I mean i love all of you guys. I really do, because you guys are better than the best growing book out there with help. I would just like to see more effort of helping out than replying to nonsense posts'.


Well-Known Member
i understand your complaint and agree with you to a point. it depends on the thread. i personally have gotten skunked on threads many times. actually on over half of my threads. and i am not just asking the most basic easy to find questions (i dont think).

but either way, this site is a great wealth of information and overall the members are very helpful. i dont think that it us worth posting a complaint thread. but hey, at least you have gotten responses. haha


No, saying 90% of newbie threads get replied to is the biggest bullshit ive ever heard in my life. Ive had multiple posts that are weeks old without responses. Ive observed other new members too, and its the same thing, no one replies to theirs either

Fallen Buckshot

Its also about not giving wrong answer. If a newbie has a question about hydro im not gunna answer cause i dont grow that way.
Most people have "legal" jobs so aren't sitting at their keyboards 8+hrs answering questions.


Well-Known Member
lots of great comments here so far .... not really much to add. its a matter of whether or not the person has done some homework. made an effort to seek the answers through typical channels. Or at least that's the reality in my case. It seems to me that everyone should at least demonstrate rudimentary knowledge cuz if they don't have that....then before asking the questions they're asking, they need to get the broad basics down pat. Otherwise, any advise anyone gives has much less meaning ..... I suppose not answering the questions its a passive way to encourage the poster to spend some time looking for an answer. This site is full of friendly knowledgeable people. And most go way out of their way to help out.


Im just talking in general. Im not being mean to anyone here. I just want people to answer stuff when peoples plants are about to die. Ive seen multiple situations on here where many people were in the flowering state or even about to harvest, and their whole crop died due to lack of help. For anyone who doesnt agree, put yourself in our shoes. Your urgently trying to get help because youve been waiting 6 months for bud, and your only a week away from getting all your bud harvested, and than it dies because no one helps with the problems it has.


Well-Known Member
JUST BUMP IT TO THE TOP BY TYPING "bump can anyone help me? if so +rep" in your thread and quit whining. i look through the newbie section all the time and i know you are wrong.look at the newbie many threads you see with no replies out of all of em? i see 3 out of 20 havent been answered...might not be 90% right on the bat but close enough


Well-Known Member
Yo twist the world isnt fare at leas i found here you get a fifty fifty chance and thats good for me it seemed every time i lost faith in the help the next guy restored it.

Do you know how to bump post back up to the top when you sit their and watch it sinking with no answers thats what i found helpful i learned whenever someone responds to a post it goes back to the top of the list so i would resp to my own post to bump it back up like fishing dangle the bait and hope someone bites it maybe it should not be like that but it is and i had no time to cry.

Thats when i started helping myself i read everything on about three sites others questions and their answers faqs books everything
im still learning but its my job to do that

luck to you my brother


Well-Known Member
Well ya got responses now. Just post threads like this and your in business.

P.S. We still love ya. But quit whinning like a little bitch.................LOL


New Member
Im just talking in general. Im not being mean to anyone here. I just want people to answer stuff when peoples plants are about to die. Ive seen multiple situations on here where many people were in the flowering state or even about to harvest, and their whole crop died due to lack of help. For anyone who doesnt agree, put yourself in our shoes. Your urgently trying to get help because youve been waiting 6 months for bud, and your only a week away from getting all your bud harvested, and than it dies because no one helps with the problems it has.