How Canadians Can Legalize Marijuana?

So, this morning I was sitting on the couch and thinking about how hopeless this whole stupid situation is. Harper, the idiot that he is, will never legalize this wonderful plant that we all use. We all complain that it isn't legal and yet we do nothing to influence the idiot politicians who keep it illegal. What you have to understand is that politicians don't care if a drug is dangerous or safe, they care if people will vote for them. Knowing this, we can influence these lying jerks.

Here is the solution: We must use radio and television to influence the Canadian public to send letters to Harper. The sad thing is that a lot of people still believe marijuana is dangerous because of the government's stupid brainwashing. So, we must use media to broadcast well made ad's speaking of the waste of tax payer's money and how marijuana is not dangerous. We must uncover all of the lies the government has fed to us, because lets face it, most people don't bother researching things like we do and they eat up what they're told. Lets expose these lies through radio and television and influence the public to send letters and to vote for parties in favor of legalizing marijuana.

Remember, if politicians get enough letters complaining, they WILL legalize it. We just need to shove it down their throats. This is a waste of tax payer's money and it's almost completely harmless.

We should create an organization for legalizing marijuana that takes donations from those in favor of legalization. The donations will go toward funding advertising and presentations to educate the public. We cannot just go and preach, we need health professionals to speak as well.

There should be a headquarters in each province that handles local presentations, lobbying, and protests. Through letters, lobbying and protests, and the general education of the public, we will bring these fuckers down (getting worked up, sorry)!

What say you?!


Well-Known Member
High hopes buddy, we only wish it were as easy as a few letters to good old harper, lets just vote him out this election.


Well-Known Member
The legalization of hemp truly would revolutionize the world and switch the hands that wield power.....the plant has the ability to affect almost every main power, medical, logging, power, food, textiles, plastics, paper, oil among so many others...the powers that be whom own the personalities we see and call our politicians will not give up their share of profit in these items and so it seems that we are fighting a failing battle...the cry for legalization has been goin on since the 70's


Active Member
no country is going to legalize it until america does , could you imagine the kind of pressure as a country you would come under from the usa and its allies if you tried too


Moderatrix of Journals
i think the issue is less with the tory politicians than the knee-jerk, blood-deep tory voters who'll only vote tory because they've always voted tory and their mammy and pappy voted tory and then complain about what the tory gov't gets up to for the next 4 (?) years.....


Moderatrix of Journals
no country is going to legalize it until america does , could you imagine the kind of pressure as a country you would come under from the usa and its allies if you tried too
i agree; we'd need a waaaaaay bigger (like u.s. sized) arsenal first....


Active Member
they will over time find a way to grow and use all parts that are are of use to the human body /mind/ society but give it another name only certain mega corperations will be allowed to grow it but us small folks will still be banned from growing and or useing it unless we buy branded stuff that costs 10x as much sold by company's owned or funded by the same bankers that control the fed and the us government. WELCOME TO THE LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE !......................... MEH!


Well-Known Member
Sending letters to Harper just get read by some aide and thrown out. Go to facebook. create a fake account and post on your LOCAL conservatives page. They will read it. Their constituants will read it. This calls them out in public. Be polite and too the point. IF everyone did it, they might take notice. I've done it and it's sitting right there on his page for all to see. Waiting for a reply but there it sits.


Well-Known Member
Well, In my veiw the international way that pot is seen and classed needs to be addressed before any legalising can be done. For example here in the uk last year we had a drug commitee come out with reports that showed that 'pot' (they didnt call it that) is actually very safe,and dose less damage to your body than legal drugs,booze was the comparitve example. (I know you can argue pot dont kill as many people etc but the fact that less people smoke than drink affects those figures. But as I was saying this drugs comitee came out with this finding and then the go vernment(labour it was in power) said we dont care what you found we will still put cannabis up to a B class drug,(we have an a-c class system and Ketimen(horse tranquilisiers) are only C but pot has gone up to B....??????)
this comitee of doctors and others then said but thats the opposite of what we said about the drug,,and alot of them had to retire to try to get the government to take notice...but they didnt,,and never fucking do,,,,,

that annoys me,,

anyhow good luck and take it easy....


Active Member
I just recently read that Canada's Superior court over ruled the illegalization of marijuana. Giving the politicians 90 days to come up with another solution. The ruling can still be over turned by 2 courts. And you can guess they are already getting pressure from the US.
I just recently read that Canada's Superior court over ruled the illegalization of marijuana. Giving the politicians 90 days to come up with another solution. The ruling can still be over turned by 2 courts. And you can guess they are already getting pressure from the US.
Yeah it's so true. The US has it's fist up Canada's ass. Basically the US controls the fucking world through it's massive influence. The war on marijuana isn't a war on drugs, it's a war on resources and business. Corporations are assholes and as long as the monetary system exists, dirty business will continue and marijuana will remain illegal it seems... Unless peak oil hits soon as they're predicting. Then marijuana may be our only hope to stimulate the economy and the world may move directly from the cheap energy era to that of a green revolution.

We can only hope that peak oil will help to put an end to this bullshit for good!
Marijuana legalization is looking bright for us right now. NDP support has gone up, court ruling. It's all in favour of the herb. :)

However, bad news is always not too far away, it has been appealed.

Only hope is what we can do.
I was thinking about voting NDP but I haven't seen what they plan to do with the budget... Also, the fact is that most of the people on here probably don't want marijuana legalized because then there'd be no black market for them to make money to pay their bills. Shitty but true...


Well-Known Member
No matter if it's the Conservatives, Liberals or the NDP, they're all in the same boat. No politician of any party will make it legal, not even by campaigning for it. As soon as you're in power, the absolutes of corruption, power-blocking and back room deals, take over. Ideals don't make a political party win, only the status quo. And that status quo is, don't rock the boat. Anyone who votes for a party based on certain views will be sadly let down.

Marijuana isn't the issue, as I've mentioned before it's all about money, morals and minds (control of). It could be doughnuts, or dildos, it doesn't matter, yet it just so happens to be a plant that, for all its worth, seems to have a multiple of uses, from making us feel really great, healing us, clothing us and empowering us. There isn't going to be a revolution over this, only when they deem strawberries and smiling illegal will there be a turn.

Until that time, we growers and users of this fine herb will be relegated to the underground, where it seems to be thriving. There's always going to be a market and they can never quash the need.


Well-Known Member
i think Canada would be more willing to legalize it if USA didn't make a fuss about it. i herd if Canada did legalize it then USA would want nothing coming in and out of the countries. so biscally the boarder would be shut down. so that eliminates Water, Oil, Lumber, Seafood, and Beef. going to the US from Canada
i think Canada would be more willing to legalize it if USA didn't make a fuss about it. i herd if Canada did legalize it then USA would want nothing coming in and out of the countries. so biscally the boarder would be shut down. so that eliminates Water, Oil, Lumber, Seafood, and Beef. going to the US from Canada
That is a sad truth right there. What we need to do is compromise. Asking for complete legalization is just an endless multi-decade long fight. What we need to do is loosen the laws. charges for possession over a certain amount (an ounce, or a half-ounce would be nice) would be a good start. As for grows, that's where things can get tricky. If a small grow can be proved for strictly personal use (no evidence of trafficking, no weight scales, packaging, etc.) then let the guy be. The only worry most cops have about marijuana dealers is that in a lot of cases these people are also trafficking other drugs, or money made from marijuana sales are funding gangs, or other serious crimes. Most cops I see now understand that they have better things to do then bust someone with a joint on em. Just don't test your luck. Treat the cop with respect, and smoke your herb in a private environment. If your sitting in a public park in the middle of the day smoking on the swings laughing like a maniac, cops will show and take u downtown. Everyone just be careful, fight for legalization, but fight smart. support other countries/states/provinces in their battles (hint hint, USA). Stay hungry friends!