how can u tell if your ballast is for hps or mh

the widowman

Well-Known Member
if its a new ballast you've bought then it will be HPS/MH compatable. if its more than 6 months old it might not be. just try a bulb and watch it for a day or two and if does'nt over heat or burn your house down your O.K. hahaha. be carefull


Active Member
There should be an ANSI code on the label.. if it starts with an S than it is HPS bulb and if it starts with an M then it is metal halide.


Active Member
if its a new ballast you've bought then it will be HPS/MH compatable. if its more than 6 months old it might not be. just try a bulb and watch it for a day or two and if does'nt over heat or burn your house down your O.K. hahaha. be carefull
but what if its a ballast from soviet russia all its says: облучатель тепличный (greenhouse irradiator), the voltage and some numbers like 50-60hz

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
but what if its a ballast from soviet russia all its says: облучатель тепличный (greenhouse irradiator), the voltage and some numbers like 50-60hz

lol try and google and see what you come up with. is it digital or magnetic? can you post a pic of the ballast and the nameplate info?