how can i stop my plant from growing tall and make it start growing bigger branches?


Well-Known Member
ok i read in another tread that someone cut the leaves so the main ones would get more light


Well-Known Member
then why the fuck do you ask? im sure there are many threads with many people doing many stupid things. that was just one of them.


Well-Known Member
then why the fuck do you ask? im sure there are many threads with many people doing many stupid things. that was just one of them.
obliviously to find out if u can or not u fucking sped and since this is another stupid thread then why are you here.


Well-Known Member
its at least 2 months old but its been through alot because it was already flowering at 5" then i had to put it in veg again


Well-Known Member
Let the flowering begin!
Mark your calander when ya started to keep track on how long ya been flowering.


Well-Known Member
i never said this was a stupid thread you "sped". i gave you a link where a guy did what you wanted to do. see how "this" is all red and underlined? yea, thats called a link...sped. read that thread and see how badly that dude fucked up his plant b/c he cut off leaves.


Well-Known Member
supercrop your plant. bend your branch tops till theyre laying over (not too much or it will just kill it) dont tear the skin too much or infection can occur. this produces a much fatter cola, its guaranteed to work.


Well-Known Member
have u ever trimmed your plants before no. so how would you no if its better not to trim them or not?


Well-Known Member
The leaves act like solar panels. The more sun the plant can suck in the bigger it grows. If ya cut the leaves off the plant that is flowering it will then make the buds grow less. There is no debate. If ya scrog all the leaves under the screen often die. Thats ok because the plant is grown. Cut the leaves off the flowering part of the plant and ya get small buds.


Well-Known Member
Dont cut leaves.Pls,,,just don't...

So to get the side branches to catch up,i bend the top so it is horizontal.
The sidebranches will then catch up and fill out.
This will result in a more full and even canopy,right?