How can I lose 60 lbs without working out?

Careful haha... next thing you know you’ll be doing some yoga :)

I can see that being a serious metabolic boost honestly with some fuel being added, the fruits and veggies. I have fasted to feel like I was reset. The way I eat now thought it’s totally unnecessary.
I was thinking no need for regular long term habitual fasting. Technically part of my regular diet might be considered fasting to some lol.

I don’t want to pretend to be an expert on nutrition at all though, I’m not. I’ve mastered myself only. My way might not even work for everyone.

Yeah man, I've fastest and used jolly ranchers to keep me from getting tunnel vision. It truly works, if you restrict calories and eat only junk food, your body will still do better than it was before.
But healthy food would be better I'm sure
I agree with the suggestion to try fasting.

You can get by on coffee, raw honey, and some good appetite-suppressing cannabis strain.
How long do you guys fast? Is it for time or until you feel that real hunger fatigue? I’d want to stoke the real hunger with something a bit substantial once you bottom out. I can see the benefit of learning your body through hardcore fasting though 100%.

I keep real hunger close enough that sugar can make me dizzy/sick. I love to workout and if my performance isn’t there I know I need to eat more.
I’ve even been experimenting with chocolate before a workout. Chocolate covered almonds are god mode. I’m kind of stoned and rambling tho haha
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Hey Heavy, you okay after that big workout? Delayed onset muscle soreness is a B. H20 and time will fix it. If you’re going workout route your idea to mutiltask something you need/want with activity is excellent.

edit: less is more to start off so you don’t burn out. Serious diminishing returns after 25-30 minutes intense anyway
Alright, last note from me on this I promise. Maybe someone will read this and it’ll help them.

My injury has healed so well I’m back at it now. For a full 14 days I was resting and eating EXTRA to heal from what luckily was just a huge bruise. A lot of extra high calorie, high fat, high protein, whatever. I don’t count calories but trust me.

Somehow I lost weight. Probably some lean weight but small amount of fat too. I’m a fitness trainer and have the gear to check it right.

Shouldn’t even be possible but I’m for real. If you don’t have something that would contraindicate this diet it’s powerful.

Peace love and health to you all.
Starve yourself. Cardio. No sugar. Only vegitables. Broccoli and brown rice. Nothing white. Eat nuts. Lots of fiber.

Don’t get a dog - people get dogs and say they are going to go for walks and runs and use the dog as an excuse to get in shape, but usually the dog is far more active and energetic than the owner and eventually the dog ends up being the one suffering. Maybe borrow a dog and try that out for a few months.
without work...cut off a leg arm and head...problem solved because it took effort to get there.

Otherwise diet...and modest as in stick to X calories a day and exercise is as simple as walk for 5 minutes then 10 20 30 up to 1 hour.

And over time it happens. Walking is awesome and you think shit out...price free if you have moblity.
Copy Angus Barbieri, he was a Scottish man that lost around 300pounds in just over a year and kept it off too.