How can I lose 60 lbs without working out?

This is definitely my opinion but it’s a strong one.

Priority #1 is high digestion mobility. Veggie diet accomplishes this. Beans, super grains, yogurt + jam to sweeten. Nuts. Eggs. Avoid diets that leave out fat/protien/carb. They will make you unhealthy. If it’s ‘temporary’ or unsustainable that says it all.
Avoid beef, chicken, pork. Avoid cheese until you know it doesn’t slow you down. Avoid sugar in all forms. It makes you fake hungry. It causes systemic pain too. Lots of good reasons to avoid it. Avoid processed foods wherever possible.

Priority #2 Learn the difference between your body wanting you to keep eating (which might actually be thirst for H2O) and REAL hunger. Real hunger can’t be ignored and is coupled with fatigue. Physical and mental fatigue. This is the hunger you want to alleviate. Not the phony hunger that would let our ancestors pack on weight when food was available. They survived famine. Your body still could in this current world of abundance.

Hate to say it but stop drinking alcohol if you do. It makes fat weight loss almost impossible.

Vape all the good weed you want. I don’t know anything about vape juice cartridges. I’m talking flower vape. I do even before workout. Some studies say it boosts testosterone. I smoke some too but try to save that for after workout and definitely not regular so you don’t fuck up your lungs. You said no workout but I mean, even sex is a workout. Or it should be! Regardless more O2 in your bloodstream will stoke your metabolic furnace.

I’ve always worked out hard but following this I lost 50lbs in 8 months. I’ve never lost so fast. I’ve never kept it off without trying. Shit is crazy and annoying to tell people sometimes, but for me it works. Hope it helps! If you want some specifics let me know.
A really good book I read was food for thought
It goes over how food directly effects moods, and goes over a lot of proper ways to eat and of what

Hope this helps!
not sure if you are like me, but i hate working out, because its just boring. i find doing something with a purpose creates more desire to exercise than standing on a treadmill or starionary bicyle.
If im hiking, hunting, riding my horse even mowing with the push mower, i find its more likely i will do the activity than just trying to will myself to do something"to lose weight"
also i am losing weight while on lockdown because i no longer eat out, cook at home and make healthy meals. that and the push
Besides the dietary changes, etc.......

Testosterone cypionate or enanthate 100-200mg per week with daily injections of 2-5iu of growth hormone.

You did say without working out..... not saying it's healthy.... that's up for debate.
What about the fasting? Anyone lose weight doing it? I don’t want to change my diet

Fasting is good in small amounts and will help you lose weight but its not a good long term solution.

Not sure what your diet is now. The only thing you need to change is your mind. Say I can and I will instead of I cant I dont wanna and I wont. Stay positive. You can do anything you set your mind to.

There are a lot of good suggestions in this thread but thats why I suggested start slow and dont get overwhelmed about making huge changes. Start slow but stick with it. One step at a time and consistency is all it takes. Do better today then you did yesterday and you wont recognize yourself in a year.
Fasting is good in small amounts and will help you lose weight but its not a good long term solution.

Not sure what your diet is now. The only thing you need to change is your mind. Say I can and I will instead of I cant I dont wanna and I wont. Stay positive. You can do anything you set your mind to.

There are a lot of good suggestions in this thread but thats why I suggested start slow and dont get overwhelmed about making huge changes. Start slow but stick with it. One step at a time and consistency is all it takes. Do better today then you did yesterday and you wont recognize yourself in a year.
Ya determination goes along way. I decided to quit smoking after 30 years, and am on week 7 now. Mind over matter.

Quitting one thing at a time is great advice too. Baby steps, lol.
Fasting regularly will just trigger you to store even more. Been there and done that. You have to program the body to realize it doesn’t need to store. It takes time. This is why fast digestive mobility works.

To be super clear I started my herbivore diet because of very high cholesterol and another health issue. I wanted the diet to fail. I wanted to hate it. It wasn’t meant to lose weight even.

also wouldn’t have changed to a veggie dude based on a forum post.

Honestly I wouldn’t believe me either. I always made fun of vegetarians sadly lol. I generally hide the fact unless I’m forced to admit it.
Fasting regularly will just trigger you to store even more. Been there and done that. You have to program the body to realize it doesn’t need to store. It takes time. This is why fast digestive mobility works.

To be super clear I started my herbivore diet because of very high cholesterol and another health issue. I wanted the diet to fail. I wanted to hate it. It wasn’t meant to lose weight even.

also wouldn’t have changed to a veggie dude based on a forum post.

Honestly I wouldn’t believe me either. I always made fun of vegetarians sadly lol. I generally hide the fact unless I’m forced to admit it.
If you fast at least 4 days plus an enema, you will not store fat.

This is assuming you only break your fast with fruits/veggies/real juice.
Eating a salad for lunch today
Careful haha... next thing you know you’ll be doing some yoga :)

If you fast at least 4 days plus an enema, you will not store fat.

This is assuming you only break your fast with fruits/veggies/real juice.

I can see that being a serious metabolic boost honestly with some fuel being added, the fruits and veggies. I have fasted to feel like I was reset. The way I eat now thought it’s totally unnecessary.
I was thinking no need for regular long term habitual fasting. Technically part of my regular diet might be considered fasting to some lol.

I don’t want to pretend to be an expert on nutrition at all though, I’m not. I’ve mastered myself only. My way might not even work for everyone.
I just did 3 hours of excercise. I’m out of weed and I used a mag light flashlight and tweezers and crawled all over the carpet to find weed. Got a nice bowl and am high. Back shoulders, neck and arm workout. Full blown sweat. Feel like I Rand a marathon
3 snacks 15-30 carbs
3 meals 30-60 carbs evenly spaced out it's the type 2 diabetes diet to control blood sugar. Lost 80 lbs eating those oreo/nutter butter tiny bags for snacks and microwave shit for meals. Thought I was going to get fatter cause I was eating so often but lost about 5lbs a month.
I just did 3 hours of excercise.
You should start shadow boxing down your hall way. Throw jabs stepping forward then jabs backing up. Then do 1-2's forwards and backwards. Then do 1-2-3's forwards and backwards. The last round you would do right hands and hooks (if you are right handed) forwards and backwards.
So this exercise would be 4 rounds at 3 minutes a round with 1 minute break in-between each set. Thoughts?
You should start shadow boxing down your hall way. Throw jabs stepping forward then jabs backing up. Then do 1-2's forwards and backwards. Then do 1-2-3's forwards and backwards. The last round you would do right hands and hooks (if you are right handed) forwards and backwards.
So this exercise would be 4 rounds at 3 minutes a round with 1 minute break in-between each set. Thoughts?
He'd have a heart attack like Dada5000 did after his fight against Kimbo:lol: