How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

maybe one day, maybe not.

status quo is treating us pretty well down here.

Who is status quo treating well? You, yes. Me, absolutely. Not everyone though. You and I are privileged. Nobody deserves to be treated like a low income gay black man.

The cops don't tell guys like us to disperse.
Fedoras are almost classy.

is till dont get the fascination with a particular chapeau, which remains a timeless solution to your Sartorial conundrum.

perhaps if you wore a hat more often your brain would suffer from less sunstroke, and you might stop posing dopey questions like the OP

a better question would be :

How can Pixie Dust and Unicorn Magic stop Marxist oppression of the very proles they claim to be liberating?
I think that comment was lost on most people.

Did you hear that the Chinese Yuan is now the #2 currency in the world? Just overtook the Euro.

They've "printed up" enough for all of the corrupt CCP officials and their "companies" for "loans", so I am not surprised.
Well they sure as shit aren't communists.

of course they are not communists, they are Socialists.

Socialism is the first step on the imaginary road to Communism.

the lamentably necessary Authoritarian Socialist State is intended as a temporary interregnum, to de-radicalize the proletariat (break them to a new saddle) that they may be gradually indoctrinated in Marxist Thought that they may someday become Communists.

of course they are not communists, they are Socialists.

Socialism is the first step on the imaginary road to Communism.

the lamentably necessary Authoritarian Socialist State is intended as a temporary interregnum, to de-radicalize the proletariat (break them to a new saddle) that they may be gradually indoctrinated in Marxist Thought that they may someday become Communists.


Do the chinese own the product of their labor? no. Welfare system? no. Equality? no.

You need to learn the difference between capitalism and socialism Kkkeynes. The Chinese government runs a form of authoritarian capitalism that even out strips our own.
Do the chinese own the product of their labor? no. Welfare system? no. Equality? no.

You need to learn the difference between capitalism and socialism Kkkeynes. The Chinese government runs a form of authoritarian capitalism that even out strips our own.

and yet they ARE socialists, in that, the society (The State) is far more important than any individual's rights.

THATS the nature of socialism, subjugation to The State, not the touchy feelie crap you WISH socialism meant.

this has been explained so thoroughly by myself, Marx, Engles, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and in fact EVERY political theorist who ever discussed the nature of Socialism.

socialism in ONE form of collectivism, which is chracterized by THE STATE'S dominance over the rights of the individual

collectivism over here on the left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> capitalism over here on the right

Authoritarianism up here in the north

Liberty down here in the south.

stop trying to play shabby word games.

the chinese know what socialism and marxism are, they tasted it in Tiananmen Square.

the chinese are now EXPERIMENTING with the forbidden capitalism, but they are not a capitalist state.
and yet they ARE socialists, in that, the society (The State) is far more important than any individual's rights.

THATS the nature of socialism, subjugation to The State, not the touchy feelie crap you WISH socialism meant.

this has been explained so thoroughly by myself, Marx, Engles, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and in fact EVERY political theorist who ever discussed the nature of Socialism.

socialism in ONE form of collectivism, which is chracterized by THE STATE'S dominance over the rights of the individual

collectivism over here on the left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> capitalism over here on the right

Authoritarianism up here in the north

Liberty down here in the south.

stop trying to play shabby word games.

the chinese know what socialism and marxism are, they tasted it in Tiananmen Square.

the chinese are now EXPERIMENTING with the forbidden capitalism, but they are not a capitalist state.

You heard it here first folks. Miss KKKynes has officially stated that President Obama is in fact NOT a socialist or communist. Thanks for clearing that up for us Miss KKKynes. The rest of you can now go home, put your pitchforks away and rest easy at night, knowing that Obama is not socialist.

Thanks chap.