How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

And yet, if you look at the hardware side, one company has an effective monopoly on the popular not-quite-computers used to access the entertainment side of IT. The production of those toys has a high barrier to entry. Such high barriers protect "closed source" markets. I mean it ... unless the system can be shown to
1) work, and 2) be competitive in the presence of "business as usual", (especially for very unsoftwarelike markets like housing and ag seed) it's just a fluffy manifesto imo. cn

Planned obsolescence will render itself obsolete when the pace of strategic innovation can no longer provide incentive for constant replacement of hardware.
Our current system thrives on wants. We want because we have unmet needs. Marketing is designed to divert us away from filling needs and instead push us to attempt to fill never ending wants. Because I need self esteem, I buy a fancy car, and when that doesn't fill my need for self esteem, I buy some other shit that I want because I think it will fill my need. The fast majority of our needs are intangible and can't be filled with physical things.

Beyond the basics of air, warmth, food, shelter etc., most of our need are social. We have been brainwashed into a situation where we are attempting to fill social needs with endless objects. Is it any wonder that this doesn't work for anyone other then the vendors of endless crap? In the old days, you had a rock, as stick, an animal skin and some bones and you were happy with that.

You want to destroy the corporate state, simple just satisfy everyones social and emotional needs. Greed cannot exist in a population of self actualized people.

Our economy is bad for the environment, and it is bad for us. It doesn't serve to satisfy need, only to promote endless want. An economy based on satisfying need cannot be harmful to the environment because the environment is a need.
Our current system thrives on wants. We want because we have unmet needs. Marketing is designed to divert us away from filling needs and instead push us to attempt to fill never ending wants. Because I need self esteem, I buy a fancy car, and when that doesn't fill my need for self esteem, I buy some other shit that I want because I think it will fill my need. The fast majority of our needs are intangible and can't be filled with physical things.

Beyond the basics of air, warmth, food, shelter etc., most of our need are social. We have been brainwashed into a situation where we are attempting to fill social needs with endless objects. Is it any wonder that this doesn't work for anyone other then the vendors of endless crap? In the old days, you had a rock, as stick, an animal skin and some bones and you were happy with that.

You want to destroy the corporate state, simple just satisfy everyones social and emotional needs. Greed cannot exist in a population of self actualized people

Our economy is bad for the environment, and it is bad for us. It doesn't serve to satisfy need, only to promote endless want. An economy based on satisfying need cannot be harmful to the environment because the environment is a need.

The bolded makes two assumptions with which I disagree at a deep level.

1) Meeting a large group of people's social/emotional needs is never simple.
2) Greed for wealth is the less important sort of human greed. The other is the greed and lust for power. There is simply no way to square this definitively human drive with any of the blueprints for a better society being offered by the utopians. cn
The bolded makes two assumptions with which I disagree at a deep level.

1) Meeting a large group of people's social/emotional needs is never simple.
2) Greed for wealth is the less important sort of human greed. The other is the greed and lust for power. There is simply no way to square this definitively human drive with any of the blueprints for a better society being offered by the utopians. cn

youre just not self-actualized enough.

everybody else can see the emperor's fancy new clothes

and we all think they are simply Smashing!
You're kidding me, right? I'd like to get actualized by someone else once in a while. cn

thats the dream man, find a chick (or dude) who makes your proletariat radicalize, bring her back to your place, overturn the current paradigm, and actualize the shit out of each other, maybe a couple times.
I agree it will take more than the monumental task of meeting needs to abolish corruption. However, I want to point out that capitalism is a social construct in which corruption is rewarded and our daily lives are a competitive rat race. Deconstructing and shifting the paradigm to one that does not reward corruption and instigate competition is the idea behind utopian hopes.

It is easy to ridicule it, but if you have seen people who want nothing more than to be left to cooperate with out the ideals from our western social construct corrupting their people you probably think your culture is universal, or even worse, that it should be.

Here is an educational sociological video to explain this concept to you, since you clearly think your value system makes more sense than others.
I agree it will take more than the monumental task of meeting needs to abolish corruption. However, I want to point out that capitalism is a social construct in which corruption is rewarded and our daily lives are a competitive rat race. Deconstructing and shifting the paradigm to one that does not reward corruption and instigate competition is the idea behind utopian hopes.

It is easy to ridicule it, but if you have seen people who want nothing more than to be left to cooperate with out the ideals from our western social construct corrupting their people you probably think your culture is universal, or even worse, that it should be.

Here is an educational sociological video to explain this concept to you, since you clearly think your value system makes more sense than others.

Dull pedantic slideshow snipped. the bitches didnt even get naked.

Libertarian Socialism at work

thats not socialism, thats not anarchy, thats not marxism, thats not even libertarianismm.

that is SOCIETY.

this also explains why you cannot describe your "philosophy",, nor can anyone else, i have now read the top 15 google results for libertarian socialism in full, and NONE have laid out the tenets of this "philosophy" beyond "it's not an oxymoron" and "But in europe words mean different things..."

your inability to understand the difference between Socialism and co-operation by choice hamstrings your ability to use critical thinking with regards to anyone who claims to be a socialist.
your lack of understanding of what Liberty is derails your every attempt to discover the secret behind libertarianism
your fundamental mistakes on the subject of marx and marxism merely feed into your knee-jerk reaction to being called a marxist, and prevent you from realizing that your "ideas" are not new. (psst, they were written down by marx 100 years ago...)
you stunning lack of understanding of political structure,, international law,, western tradition,, and in fact everything that makes western society what it is has trapped you in what i am gonna call The Chomsky Zone.

The Chomsky Zone is a nightmarish postmodern alternate reality where anything western or modern is evil, and anything from a failed culture trapped in the distant past is regarded as good

christianity: primitive magical thinking and superstition = EVIL
islam: primitive magical thinking and superstition = Awesome!

Industrialized nations where nobody starves: abusive corporate hegemony = EVIL
third world hunter/gatherers who starve regularly = Awesome!

Marxist dictators who were actually Socialists: authoritarian demagogues with bloodstained hands = EVIL
imaginary "socialists" who are actually Marxists: creators of liberty and prosperity for the workers and all mankind = Awesome!

until you educate yourself on the philosophies you claim to oppose AND the ones you claim to support youre just farting in the wind.
That is exactly what anarchy is. No rulers. No authority. Only equality and unity.

The rest of your JBS crap isn't worth my time.

This is where you and I disagree most fundamentally.
I see anarchy as necessarily ending somewhere beyond Thunderdome. Unlike you, I have great faith in the primacy of the human drive to amass power. I also see no protections against the empire builders in a hypothetical anarchic society. cn
This is where you and I disagree most fundamentally.
I see anarchy as necessarily ending somewhere beyond Thunderdome. Unlike you, I have great faith in the primacy of the human drive to amass power. I also see no protections against the empire builders in a hypothetical anarchic society. cn

Continually challenge authority, or be ruled.