This is the Austrian Game Theory. Firms will always act in self interest and therefore will not cooperate with other firms in their market. This should be an easy concept to grasp for the lefties, who all distrust corporations, and rightfully so. There are businesses, ran for profit, of course they will only desire to become more profitable. This is how capitalism works, businesses are created to make money. The solution is not to attempt to regulate corporations into making less money, the solution is to remove the power and advantages that they can achieve. These different advantages always come from government, because without government, equality in the markets is unavoidable. One of the signs at occupy protests that I liked said that "we can't afford lobbyist", this message applies to small business as well. We all know how politics works, lobbyist bribe politicians to pass laws in their favor. This gives a huge advantage to those who can afford it, and this is how they take over the market. If you want corruption to end, then you have to take away the powers of politicians to regulate the market. This is the core of the problem, if you think that most regulations are being passed for the good of the people then you are kidding yourselves.
This has nothing to do with Canndo's ramblings about corporate armies and ronald mcdonald drive bys, because having a free market doesn't mean that firms can use force against one another. I know its awfully frightening for the lefties, but you guys need to realize how monopolies come to power.