How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

There are way to many things to respond to on this thread but GGGEEEEEEZZZZ

I inherited nothing and have busted my ass and now run my own shop...but I guess that really doesn't matter, right?

He would not starve...someone would buy his labour, whether it is a livable "wage" can be debated but since when do people deserve a livable wage for every line or work imaginable?

You may have read books...but come back when you enter the real world and see how things operate...the real world is a lot more then what fits between the bindings of those big books you read.

Libertarian socialist.....:wall:

abandonintellect hasnt read a lot of books, he read a lot of marxist newsletters, talking points and agit-prop.

if he had read anything worthwhile he would be able to explain his own positions without using other people's quotes, image macros and naom chomsky youtube videos.

he's just another google powered "scholar" who thinks regurgitating somebody else's position makes him wise.
Dr Kynes claims to have read Orwell, but demonstrates that he hasn't. I recall schooling him on Plato after he had referenced Plato's The Republic regarding aristocracy. He didn't realize that in that form of gov't, according to Plato, the ruling class could not own property. I wonder what else he read a review on that he thinks he is now an expert at interpreting.

Dr Kynes fancies himself an erudite, but demonstrates that he is benighted.
I'm not the one quoting Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature. That would be ancaps. I don't see egalitarianism as a revolt against nature.
I'm not the one quoting Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature. That would be ancaps. I don't see egalitarianism as a revolt against nature.

I do not think humans are by nature egalitarian. So I can see merit in the idea that egalitarianism is an excursion from our natures, maybe even a bid to improve them. A revolt? Possibly, but I see that as a fight term again, an author's challenge to would-be dissenters. cn
build the anarcho state of mind business and its preventing huge corperations and making small mom and pop shops. yes more exspensive to maintain, but look at wall mart no longer will i get pants for 5 bucks i have to pay 20. so its worth them being in business so i can pay 10 or less for clothes i need. my meat will come from a local farm who cant afford hormons but by God it will taste as real as the spring water right from the creek which puts off water from the top of the mountain up the street. all naturally filtered and fattened up. you bet so.
build the anarcho state of mind business and its preventing huge corperations and making small mom and pop shops. yes more exspensive to maintain, but look at wall mart no longer will i get pants for 5 bucks i have to pay 20. so its worth them being in business so i can pay 10 or less for clothes i need. my meat will come from a local farm who cant afford hormons but by God it will taste as real as the spring water right from the creek which puts off water from the top of the mountain up the street. all naturally filtered and fattened up. you bet so.



^^Treaded upon^^
Dr Kynes claims to have read Orwell, but demonstrates that he hasn't. I recall schooling him on Plato after he had referenced Plato's The Republic regarding aristocracy. He didn't realize that in that form of gov't, according to Plato, the ruling class could not own property. I wonder what else he read a review on that he thinks he is now an expert at interpreting.

Dr Kynes fancies himself an erudite, but demonstrates that he is benighted.

the greek aristocracy could not own property? thats amazing. i wonder if anybody ever told them.

greeks in a position of political authroity were required to divest themselves of all holdings which might tempt them to corruption in aa FEW city states, like Athens, but NOT in most.
Roman senators also faced a similar prohibition. they were not permitted to directly engage in any business which might allow their position to give them an advantage but both groups COULD and DID own property extensively.

under Plato's fictional Republic, he posited that the head of The State, the Philosopher King, should not become a wealthy indolent plutocrat, but should treat his position as a profession, but if you think Plato was recommending the fictional Republic to his students you should read that shit again. (if you ever actually did) since once you get past the pithy quotes so perfectly crafted to put in some agitprop, you will discover that this was a DISCUSSION which led to the inevitable conclusion that while democracy may be noisy and inefficient, its the onlyt form that doesnt automatically descend into tyranny, even if the guy in charge is a Perfect Person.

you claim to have read orwell but you havent. you read AT orwell, but the words had no real meaning because you came away thinking he was a marxist, a communist and a black bloc bomb thrower.

both those guys writings require THOUGHT, but regurgitating somebody else's words is so much easier.

at least when you post pictures of people holding workers world party placards, the comments sort of make sense and sort of support their position.
You're a clown.

You referenced Plato not knowing shit about it. I said nothing of "the Greek republics".

Could you explain for the class how Hugo Chavez went from a pauper to having 2 billion dollars in assets for ruling the country for 14 years and how this fits into your socialist utopia?

He did it for the poor, I know... LOL!!!
Could you explain for the class how Hugo Chavez went from a pauper to having 2 billion dollars in assets for ruling the country for 14 years and how this fits into your socialist utopia?

He did it for the poor, I know... LOL!!!

no no no! socialism doesnt work only because the RIGHT PEOPLE havent done it yet.

Plato's Republic in Six Easy Steps

Student: once we are ruled by right kind of people everything will work out perfectly, and we will have utopia!

Plato: Orly?

Student: yeah see once everyone stops being selfish and greedy, and just shares everything man, shit will get awesome!

Plato: STFU Dumbass.

Student: Y U So Mean?!?!

Plato: Because you're a Dumbass, and here's 150 reasons why.

Le Fin.

if you got anything else out of Republic, then you werent reading it, you were looking at the words.

abandonintellect thinks plato was making the case FOR his mythical republic, not laying out a simple and easy to understand course of events which logically results in absolute tyrrany. Following the suggestions made by Plato's students in Republic is how Benito Mussolini developed Fascism.

2 ounce of Marx
2 ounces of nostalgia for the Claudian emperors
3 ounces of unwarranted self-confidence
2 ounces Plato's republic with the conclusion removed
shake vigourously

pour over rocks in a highball glass, garnish with a lemon twist. serve with a sense of smug self-satisfaction.
no no no! socialism doesnt work only because the RIGHT PEOPLE havent done it yet.

Plato's Republic in Six Easy Steps

Student: once we are ruled by right kind of people everything will work out perfectly, and we will have utopia!

Plato: Orly?

Student: yeah see once everyone stops being selfish and greedy, and just shares everything man, shit will get awesome!

Plato: STFU Dumbass.

Student: Y U So Mean?!?!

Plato: Because you're a Dumbass, and here's 150 reasons why.

Le Fin.

if you got anything else out of Republic, then you werent reading it, you were looking at the words.

abandonintellect thinks plato was making the case FOR his mythical republic, not laying out a simple and easy to understand course of events which logically results in absolute tyrrany. Following the suggestions made by Plato's students in Republic is how Benito Mussolini developed Fascism.

2 ounce of Marx
2 ounces of nostalgia for the Claudian emperors
3 ounces of unwarranted self-confidence
2 ounces Plato's republic with the conclusion removed
shake vigourously

pour over rocks in a highball glass, garnish with a lemon twist. serve with a sense of smug self-satisfaction.

You have read about as much Plato as you have of Orwell. Your knowledge is laughable.
You have read about as much Plato as you have of Orwell. Your knowledge is laughable.

ha ha ha ha ha

youre still just ridiculous clownshoes.

plato was not a "Libertarian Socialist" nor was orwell (classic liberal), nor was bertrand russel (avowed marxist) nor is noam chomsky (crypto-marxist)

you have nothing but pretensions and self-delusion.
What about Jesus? Was he a libertarian socialist?

This could be fun.

What about other historical figures? Were they arachnocapitalists?