How big to make passive intake holes


I'm almost all set and one of the last pieces I need is to know how big to make my passive intake holes. My set up will be 7th tall x 3ft wide x 22 inches long. I'm going to have a fan and carbon filter from htg, and a 400w hps. So how wide should I make my passive intakes with this set up? Is there a formula or a rule of thumb?


Well-Known Member
It is normally said for your intakes to be twice your exhaust. So if you have a 6 inch x 6 inch exhaust port make your 2 intake @ 6 inch x 6inch. You can start with the same size and just make it bigger as you need too in order to dial in temps.


Well-Known Member
It is normally said for your intakes to be twice your exhaust. So if you have a 6 inch x 6 inch exhaust port make your 2 intake @ 6 inch x 6inch. You can start with the same size and just make it bigger as you need too in order to dial in temps.

the general rule of thumb is

1sq ft intake for every 580CFM

but generally you want 2-3 holes the same surface area of your fan.

So as GUMBALL said 6inch fan = 2-3 x 6inch holes .
