How are they looking?


Well-Known Member
They look ok. Keep in mind it's bad practice to water like that. I know you're your doing it so you don't over water but, it can cause problems later with how your medium absorbs moisture. You'll end up with dry spots that don't want to take water. You want to saturate the entire pot every time. Just a heads up.


They look ok. Keep in mind it's bad practice to water like that. I know you're your doing it so you don't over water but, it can cause problems later with how your medium absorbs moisture. You'll end up with dry spots that don't want to take water. You want to saturate the entire pot every time. Just a heads up.
Okay man thanks, because they’re only small and the roots aren’t fully established in their new pots yet, if I fully saturated the pots I thought that water would be sitting their for a long time, so I was just thinking I wanted to give them the necessary amount to start, thankyou!