how are my window grow looking?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. My first real good plant i had outside turned out to be male. Here is a window plant that i been growing.It hasn't shown its sex yet. I wanted to post a few pics to see what u guys think. I also have 2 outside and will post later on. Of coarse these window ledge plants are getting really tall and the ones outside isn't as tall. I started them all at the same time.I don't have any issues with them yet, just wanted advice on how they are looking
i guessing this one is two months old
i fertilize once a week and only water when dry3.jpg4.jpg2.jpg1.jpg


Well-Known Member
For a window sill plant this one is real healthy. If you are going to follow the path of the window light, then this project will take as long as an outdoor grow (oct), and you'll have to control the dark well come the end of aug, to get a decent return.

If this is your path then top it soon, a couple of nodes down, to keep it to a working size for the long run.


Well-Known Member
i found these seeds and have no idea of what kind of strand they are. it looks like it said swamp and time warp on the packs but the writing was hard to make out