How about a Hawian Punch?!


Well-Known Member
make sure the cube is actualy tight around the clone mabee tie something around ot to hold it tight? elastic band? i use the peat pucks and some times it`s not inthe peat, to loose.


Well-Known Member
here;s the results soo far. The clones are turning out better. But... actually still no root yet. I guess ill wait and see.. zzzZZzzz...

Also I'm ready to flower/sex them. I'm certain im at the point where if i dont flower then they are going to hit the ceiling before its all over...

SO my question now is how do i finish this off...

I need to flower for two weeks in order to sex the mothers them. Then put them back into Veg for 1week? in order to take clones. Then... these babies are gonna be friggin huge--- so can I top them off in order to slow the height growth? and will they continue growing from the top if I do?



Well-Known Member
make sure the cube is actualy tight around the clone mabee tie something around ot to hold it tight? elastic band? i use the peat pucks and some times it`s not inthe peat, to loose.

ya I was wondering about the tightness. because the stem IS loose in the premade hole... and?... i stuck it a lil further down to help the stand straight but it allows an awful lot of light to go near the stem.( prohibiting root growth?)


Well-Known Member
here;s the results soo far. The clones are turning out better. But... actually still no root yet. I guess ill wait and see.. zzzZZzzz...

Also I'm ready to flower/sex them. I'm certain im at the point where if i dont flower then they are going to hit the ceiling before its all over...

SO my question now is how do i finish this off...

I need to flower for two weeks in order to sex the mothers them. Then put them back into Veg for 1week? in order to take clones. Then... these babies are gonna be friggin huge--- so can I top them off in order to slow the height growth? and will they continue growing from the top if I do?
i wouldn`t put the mothers into flower to sex, i would use a clone. it`s going to take a long time to flower then revert to veg. some of my babies have taken up to a month to turn around. if you want a nice little bonzai mother take them down to about 2 or 3 nodes and chop the rest, make clones out of the top part you cut. by keeping it smaller your clones wont be so streatched like in pic. my clones have about 2 or 3 nodes and are about 3 inches tall. then they will bush up from the bottom not the top.


Well-Known Member
ya I was wondering about the tightness. because the stem IS loose in the premade hole... and?... i stuck it a lil further down to help the stand straight but it allows an awful lot of light to go near the stem.( prohibiting root growth?)
i use the peat pucks and have the same issue sometimes. try and put the clone about half way in to the cube and put an elastic band around it to keep it tight, that wiil help.


Well-Known Member
my mothers were about 1 foot tall and could take about 20 clones per week from each


Well-Known Member
no kidding?-- mine are 2ft and well on their way to 3ft..

I guess i really need to get this clone thing down pat. The suspense is absolutely killing me!...

It's been Five days(at least) and.... not root.. sigh. They look healthier which is a positive. I just don't know what else to do to make the roots sprout...
I'll tell you this i am going to go crazy with a LOT of cuttings as soon as I DO figure it out :) :P


Well-Known Member
you do want to let the mothers heal between cutings and not for about a few days after a nuting. they are to full of growth veg nutes and you want rooting.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I understand you correctly.

Are you saying I should stop giving the mothers nutes?
(and take cuttings and then let heal 1 week before cuttings?)

ALSO I found a couple baby rots on a cutting. SO I think it is going to happen for me now.

I need to reconfigure my room so that I can maintain the mothers and Flower the clones. Here is my idea so far:

I am going to use the closet for the mothers(I need help with knowing what size light/cfl i should use.)10longx2widex5high with CFLS on the bottom of the shelf to keep them well- 24HR light. The closed will be closed off with black and white poly. fan inside... air?

Then I was going to make the rest of the room 12/12 light for flower and get a second light if i need to.

Also a final note that- I need to stop light from leaving the room under the door! I bought a couple of door sweeps but they dont go low enough. Anyone solved this already?

THanks again for everyone's help thus far. I couldn't have done it so quick without you all! I know its just going to explode if i can nail this cloning deal. :D



Well-Known Member
Hey Herbie I'm the one growing the Hawaiian Maui Wowie that looks just like yours.

I used bushmaster about 10 days ago to get the vertical growth under control. Instead of growing up 2-3 inches a day they're growing about an inch a day at most. I took my cuttings just before I did this and they are also having a tough time rooting and most don't look like they will make it. Also they've been flowering for 8 days now and there's still no signs of pre-flowers. I had no idea it was going to take this long for them to show their sex so it's a variable you might want to take into account.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I understand you correctly.

Are you saying I should stop giving the mothers nutes?
(and take cuttings and then let heal 1 week before cuttings?)

ALSO I found a couple baby rots on a cutting. SO I think it is going to happen for me now.

I need to reconfigure my room so that I can maintain the mothers and Flower the clones. Here is my idea so far:

I am going to use the closet for the mothers(I need help with knowing what size light/cfl i should use.)10longx2widex5high with CFLS on the bottom of the shelf to keep them well- 24HR light. The closed will be closed off with black and white poly. fan inside... air?

Then I was going to make the rest of the room 12/12 light for flower and get a second light if i need to.

Also a final note that- I need to stop light from leaving the room under the door! I bought a couple of door sweeps but they dont go low enough. Anyone solved this already?

THanks again for everyone's help thus far. I couldn't have done it so quick without you all! I know its just going to explode if i can nail this cloning deal. :D

Hey bro your grow is comming along great!

As for your closet you will need air for sure. I went to lowes and bought a bathroom fan with the approriate cfm rating and installed in the celling but thats just what i did.

I have old air being sucked out and freash air brought in by my a/c but i know you need your a/c for your main room so maybe a couple of fans. if you only get one though get a OS fan.

But she will need air just like in nature thats what you need to manipulate. Nature, in the best way possiable.

daylight CFL's are good for veggie 23watt = 100w incad. But it will also depend on how many and how big your plants are. i would get cfls for the lower branches or for the parts that arent gettin adaquate light and just go for a small mh for top like a 75watt or 125watt but thats just me.

Cfls unless you get the ones that cost as much as a MH have to bee super close and you will have to make some kind of contraption for hanging all the damn things because you will need a shit load!

And for the closet i would just get a towel or some foam and make a light proof seal thats what i did with the foam and my room is in my fuckeing living area where my tv and shits at and no one has a fucking clue!


Well-Known Member
you dont have to stop. i`m saying that you will want to plan your feedings to when your going to clone her. when you have freshly nuted her and then take a cutting the nutes are in the cutting to and will want to grow more green veg than growing roots so they are slower.

a bath fan would do for moms room, thata what i use on my veg room i have 4 42 watt cfl`s natural daylight. and the other i have 4 20 watt philips natural daylight flouro`s.( i find phillips bulbs best) the cfl`s did get warm. fan would help. how about some thick weather striping for the light. i used it and just doubled it up on my dresser.if you haven`t seen my dresser set ups i can post them to get ieas if ya like when i get back from shoping tonight.


Well-Known Member
wow you must have sent me a telepathic message dude. I just got back from the store with new cfls and oscillating fan. I put the cfls in the top of the closet and with the poly over the closet. no air inlet yet. im gonna see what it is like in the morning... But the bathroom fan sounds like a good idea! to get old air out. I guess i need to split the air coming from the vent... and three ways... one for upper shelf for clones and one for lower closet for mothers(once i get a smaller HID) and large for main room.

I waterer with just PHed and H202 water.

Oh BTW some or my lower branches are almost 2 feet long(elbow to arm)
Do you think I could make two cuttings from one branch?



Well-Known Member
put a 2x2 piece of wood on the inside right up against the door, like a lip and that will block the light


Well-Known Member
you want small cuttings or they take to long to root or not at all. i like mine only about 2 to 3 inches tall


Well-Known Member
ok -im trying it again now because the second batch didnt make it! :(
once I put them in the top of my closet with the flouros they dried out and shrivelled up bad. one might survive.... so i am back to it today.