How about a Hawian Punch?!


Well-Known Member
Ok I made changes today- got a fan, and new chain, and blocked a window.

I am Running HPS Ballast with a MH COnversion Bulb 1000W. I had the light so high because I cant seem to get the temperature down.

I ran it 18 hours today- 3 left actually.
Temp ranged from 87-92F
Humidity 27-50%

This is my first grow-

Please send me ideas on how to get my temp down!!!!
I need to get these past the seedling phase.


Well-Known Member
its your soil i bet. Those babies should be growin like "weeds"

hydro bucket works great my buddy used one for his first grow and had bad ass results.

He then switched out half of his next crop to soil and had a hole shit load of problems. shit would lock up a lot.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing... The soil is Jungle Growth(only thing close by) and does compress easily and has 0-0-0. I actually just got back from getting a new bag of soil with light fertilizer- .24-.12-.12 with fertilizer. and some fox farm liquid nutes 6-0-0.

I am thinking to start with the soil move on the established plants and see what the effect is. tomorrow is day 9. If transplant is success i'd like to start feeding droplets of nutes into water.


Well-Known Member
Day 9

Ok so first of all thanks for all the comments and ideas. I am using much of the ideas you all are giving and they are all helping ALOT to find the right answer for my circumstance.

Here is the current state of things. I transplanted my seedlings to their own pots last night and watered with a mix of half gallon water/ one spoonful of root hormone.

The A/C in the house is cranked down to 67F and everyone is freezing their Asses off. This is keeping it 78F at plant height- with a box fan pointed over the plants toward the open door. (However I expect it to get to 88F in the heat of the day. I am running 1000W MH 36" from plant top 18/6 from 5 a.m. till 11 p.m.)

RH 30% I am on my way to get a humidifier.

I need to control the temp better. I am looking for anything short of buying/building a cool tube. Any Ideas?

Also- PH is still above 7- should I fix this now or will it be easier to wait till i add nutes and let the soil get more acidic tha way?



Well-Known Member
i would get your PH a.s.a.p just incase for less stress on the babies.

and as for the temp. is that your only access to air flow is the door open and a box fan?


Well-Known Member
! How do i fix my PH? Grow stores are all closed tomorrow.

Day 10

I scored a $5 humidifier at the local thrift store. And installed a box on my other window to block all light. I put a vent from it to a 1320 CFM exhaust fan installed in a box 18x18x12 with 6" ports on both sides- its thermostat is set to 70F and it is running non stop.

My light is still pretty hot 79F at plant level (but it peaked at 91.8 this afternoon!). House thermostat set to 67- actual is 73F. Humidity up to 39%.

any thoughts and help welcome.


Well-Known Member
OK just spent the last 2 hours getting perlite, orchid moss, and peat moss mixing with current soil and repotting plants. They noticably hold ALOT more water. So thanx skunk n goinGreen. I think there were some probs with soil and PH.

I tested the PH after and i did get a reading of closer to 6? However this meter is real funny. If i tilt is 45 degrees in same spot i get readings a point or two apart- and the same if i go a quarter inch in any direction. Any one have a meter they are really happy with? or know whether the one i have is good? pics below

And next. I took some pics of my plants. Six of the 11 seeds have made it. The rest were duds... Plants 1-4 are doin great (no pic of plant 4 as its stem broke and is still underground. They all have four leaves and two more little ones starting up. Plant 5 and 6 however are looking pretty homely. And I'm pretty clueless as to what to do. *shrugs*

Plant 5's original two leaves are withering. one yellowing at the edge and one browning at edge and through center close to stem.

Plant 6...OMG... it looks really desperate- almost same as what happened to plant four. The stem is SUPER WEAK. and its falling all over itself. Its green and has four leaves but its LIMP. I have to prop it up with a spoon. and soil n such. But it seems hopeless.

Its weird because a few nights ago when it first looked this way I watered it at night and the next morning it was at attention. But then just a few hours into the day getting sun it looked lifeless again.

Any help much appreciated. ;)

P.S. the PH on the meter is not my plants pH ;) :P. Its the PH of a paper towel...apparently *shrugs*



Well-Known Member
Run your MH 24/7 for now untill they get into full vegatation. And i would move your water jug so it doesnt get so hot and that towel under your plants its a dark color not good use a white towel

Im goin to keep buggin you untill you change to hydro... lol

listen can you hear that....... listen really really closely can you hear it?

go go hydro go go hydro go go hydo go go hydro


Well-Known Member
haha. i might not be hard to convince. i was reading some posts from AL B Fuct the other day and liked his hydro system. He says he turns out 10 ounces every two weeks.. Thinking of copying it in my room once i get a good start on these plant.

Will get a new towel ;) try running my light longer asap.

I ran some ventilation in closer to the plants- actually about 6 inches from them and i dont know if it will bother them to blow directly on them like that. But It brought my temp down to a cool 76F for the first time.

Will post pics soon. making some changes to floors right now and the plants are outside getting some natural light. 86F 65%RH


Well-Known Member
yeah the more freash air you can blow through your babies the better.( the freash air helps bringing in more co2 for your plants to use)

Your be able to pull more than 10ounces every 2 weeks i bet, your room is a good size.


Well-Known Member
You can foliar feed that will raise humidity as well.

But you know what would really raise the humidity?

Listen really close and ill tell ya!

hydro hydro hydro hydro! lol

Ok ok ill stop.


Well-Known Member
For that many plants i dont know.

But you would have to decide on what kind of hydro set up you want.

Gh has a system using buckets you can copy without buying straight from the company.....

Building your own hydro set up would be the way to go though i wouldnt buy shit from any company.