This whole thing with the 700 billion dollars( of imaginary govt. money) is totally ridiculous. The banks, and the government have been robbing people of their hard earned money for years, and people have been going broke trying to survive. Now that the banks have screwed up and they are broke, the govt. wants to bail them out! BULLSHIT! This is supposed to be a govt. for the people. I'm sure you have all heard some one do the math, or have done it yourself, but if you divided that money among the legitimate citizens of this country over the age of 18, it would change this country around. Figure the govt. is gonna get 30 % of that back imediatly from the taxes, and then people will be able to use the rest to pay off the mortgages (WITH THE BANKS), and actually have money for college, cars, and to live all of which would greatly stimulate the US economy. If people are buying things, then there will be more jobs, more jobs means lower unemployment, and more money going back into the economy.
Just a thought, but I'm sick of living paycheck to paycheck, and building more dept. Not because I have a terible job, but its just not enough today, maybe it would have been 8 years ago!!
I wanna move to CANADA!