House insurance

Best way to avoid issues is dont daisy chain power bars. Make sure you put 20 amp wire with 20 amp breakers. And above all dont worry so much whens the last time you saw a fire started with grow op story. Its rare for house fires most of them are caused by cigarettes not grows.
Your missing the point, it doesn't matter if the issue of your grow does or doesn't cause a claim, they can deny you because you didnt disclose it, but disclose it and there goes your insurance carrier :rolleyes:
Your missing the point, it doesn't matter if the issue of your grow does or doesn't cause a claim, they can deny you because you didnt disclose it, but disclose it and there goes your insurance carrier :rolleyes:
Yea, they could deny if they find that the risk was misrepresented in any way, even if the loss has nothing to do with it
So an update here for anyone that is wondering. I recently got back in touch with LMG who i was insured with up to 2 years ago for 4 years. There have been alot of changes in the industry in the last year and options have dwindled to even less for med growers. Took weeks to even get a quote, and the quote was more than double what I paid 2 years ago. More than 4 times what a regular home owners policy cost. Absurd. They are also forcing a bunch of commercial coverage on you that is mandatory if you want coverage. Its pretty dissapointing how little options there are, which is little to none.
Crazy... I can totally see insurers wanting to charge for commercial endorsements. I guess the reality is that it’s the only way they can currently underwrite the risk and don’t want to bother drafting a brand new endorsement that they need to seek approval for. The endorsements that insurers use are typically pretty generic and they are all essentially pre-approved industry forms. I’ll bet there really isn’t a proper homeowners endorsement to even cover it.
Crazy... I can totally see insurers wanting to charge for commercial endorsements. I guess the reality is that it’s the only way they can currently underwrite the risk and don’t want to bother drafting a brand new endorsement that they need to seek approval for. The endorsements that insurers use are typically pretty generic and they are all essentially pre-approved industry forms. I’ll bet there really isn’t a proper homeowners endorsement to even cover it.
The risk? You know they dont change your policy if you grow indoor vegetables so growing a flowering weed somehow changes the liability its a load of bs.
The risk? You know they dont change your policy if you grow indoor vegetables so growing a flowering weed somehow changes the liability its a load of bs.
Yup. It is definitely bs. The insurance companies deem anything other than their perceived ‘normal’ as an added ‘risk’. Everything is based on risk in the insurance world, insurance is basically putting a price on ‘risk’. Comparing growing a few cannabis plants to someone who grows vegetables is a perfectly reasonable comparison. But my guess is they view growing cannabis as ‘riskier’ because of old stereotypes of house fires and break an enters from days gone by, all totally unrelated to an average joe growing a few plants.
"Nor do we insure loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the growing, cultivating, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, distribution or sale of any drug or narcotic or illegal susbstance, whether or not "you" have knowledge of such activity. This includes any alterations of the "premises" to facilitate such activity."

This statement seems pretty clear to me. I don't think that vegetables are defined as "any drug or narcotic". Good luck on your argument if you should ever have a house fire. The fire would not have to have anything to do with your grow - but having evidence of a grow is enough to void your house insurance. No ifs, ands or buts about it. And as soon as your insurance is cancelled, your mortgage will be called by the lender. And you are fucked.
So what's the insurance risk for growing hemp? Not a drug..

I have a out building.. even if it burns down, don't make claim..its a minor risk.. if asked.. growing hemp for clothes..ropes..
It’s totally clear in the policy wording. There is no arguing that. I’m simply making the argument that the actual risk in growing cannabis is inherently no different than any other plant. And it’s a shame that it isn’t treated that way by the industry.
So what's the insurance risk for growing hemp? Not a drug..

I have a out building.. even if it burns down, don't make claim..its a minor risk.. if asked.. growing hemp for clothes..ropes..
Same deal, if the insurer finds out you were growing weed in any building on the property, they can deny coverage. Ya ain’t getting away with sayin it’s hemp
Stupid question, how would they find out without a claim? Fire report? Fire department would only do quick inspection.. bigger issues in FD..
Thank you for sharing and so sorry for this change in your life.
I hope others can chime in on their insurance policies and if we should all expect this from most in the future.
So many questions arise.. what if the homeowner only has a seed collection with random accessories in storage.. It's just a tricky thing. It's still a rough time for people who just want to enjoy the plant. DUI laws need to become more fair as well.
Stupid question, how would they find out without a claim? Fire report? Fire department would only do quick inspection.. bigger issues in FD..
Usually when there’s a structure fire the local fire dept will try to determine the cause. If it’s a big fire then typically an official fire investigator will attend. The insurance company will also have an adjuster attend the property to document the damage, take a ton of photos and write up a detailed report of their findings. Any of those people could potentially uncover/report evidence or a grow, equipment etc. The homeowner doesn’t get to attend the property until the fire dept has determined that it’s safe, so no time to ‘clean up the scene’ before the authorities take control.

Thanks for the info. Clear and to the point. My situation would be 10x12 shed far from my residence so there is no danger from burning multiple buildings. This is why i choose to keep the hobby away from family. I am will to risk this old shed. I would never make a claim on this.

Thanks for the info. Clear and to the point. My situation would be 10x12 shed far from my residence so there is no danger from burning multiple buildings. This is why i choose to keep the hobby away from family. I am will to risk this old shed. I would never make a claim on this.
It’s a safe bet, I’m starting a small room in my garage soon as well, would still be fucked if it burns down lol but at least I’d still have my house :eyesmoke:
Herein lies the problem - if your shed catches on fire and the fire department shows up and sees that there was a grow they will inform the cops. Who will call the fire marshall. Who will call the bank/mortgage company. Who will call the insurance company. Who will cancel your insurance policy and blackball you. If you can then even get insurance it will cost you $$$$. If you cannot get insurance then the mortgage holder calls the loan and you are really shit out of luck. It does not matter if you do not make a claim for the shed.
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Cops would not attend for 4 plant grow..most canadian homegrowers are not in it for money.. its like making your own wine.. i have no mortgage.. i am connected to emergency services so i will ask my connections directly about the procedures.
"Nor do we insure loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the growing, cultivating, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, distribution or sale of any drug or narcotic or illegal susbstance, whether or not "you" have knowledge of such activity. This includes any alterations of the "premises" to facilitate such activity."

This statement seems pretty clear to me. I don't think that vegetables are defined as "any drug or narcotic". Good luck on your argument if you should ever have a house fire. The fire would not have to have anything to do with your grow - but having evidence of a grow is enough to void your house insurance. No ifs, ands or buts about it. And as soon as your insurance is cancelled, your mortgage will be called by the lender. And you are fucked.
Sounds like worse case scenario keep your karma good and youll die old in that house (and dont overload circuits) lol.
Cops would not attend for 4 plant grow..most canadian homegrowers are not in it for money.. its like making your own wine.. i have no mortgage.. i am connected to emergency services so i will ask my connections directly about the procedures.
Ya i just dont see them well his fridge started the fire but he had a northern lights in his furnace room no insurance for him...