Hotsauses First 600w Grow

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Awesome thread. +rep

hey look in my links belwo theri is a lst thread and it has lots of pics and different ways of lst and if u need any help u canask theri and im sure more then enough people will assistyou if u decide to lst, and LST is the best IMO very low stress and does pretty much the same as toppin but tbetter


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info guys. Im still scared to mess up my plants so im probably gonna test on one plant doing some LST and whatever else i wanna try. As we speak my Res is being filled in the bathtub and im going to transplant tonight. I got a GH PH Control Kit time to really get this show on the road ill have pics up later when im done WISH ME LUCK


Well-Known Member
Ran into a little problem my air pump has 4 outlets and wont work inless i have 4 things plugged in so i guess i have 2 get 2 more airstones the more bubbles the better though right. I put some PH down in my water and its now sitting at 6.4 in my Rez


Well-Known Member
thanks PPnT, also hotsauce not to familer with hydro but i am pretty sure more bubbles is never a prob, and i think but am not sure that hydro ph should be like 5.5-6 but im not sure on that one

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
The downer can take up to an hour to adjust the ph. Be patient.

You should be able to get something to plug two of those holes up, maybe a piece of rubber or electrical tape real tight. It just needs enough pressure to push out the hoses that are in the water - they have more pressure in the water than the holes in the air pump.

Ran into a little problem my air pump has 4 outlets and wont work inless i have 4 things plugged in so i guess i have 2 get 2 more airstones the more bubbles the better though right. I put some PH down in my water and its now sitting at 6.4 in my Rez


Well-Known Member
So i guess its time for a picture update my PH is still sitting at 6.4 ill leave it at is for now I'm not transplanting tonight my bubble action wasn't to satisfyingly One or 2 more airstones will fix that. Anyway My Ladies are looking good
Here is me PHing my Rez

Here is B.F.F.

She is my Favorite look at the new growth this is Purple God Bud

And last but not least
Blueberry Dwarf

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
They are looking good. If you havent added any ph down since before 5:00 you can add more. It is done stabilizing. Get it done to 6.1 they will appreciate it. the BFF looks really nice and healthy. I love smoking the purp god, bomb and really tasty. The blueberry dwarf is dwarfin it, but the new growth looks great it is getting ready to take off.


Well-Known Member
man they are gonna take off once they are out of those cups and in the hydro system, and they are lookin good to.


Well-Known Member
They are looking good. If you havent added any ph down since before 5:00 you can add more. It is done stabilizing. Get it done to 6.1 they will appreciate it. the BFF looks really nice and healthy. I love smoking the purp god, bomb and really tasty. The blueberry dwarf is dwarfin it, but the new growth looks great it is getting ready to take off.
are you saying add ph down to the soil???? can i use my ph meter in the soil???


Well-Known Member
LMAO i feel like a noob :D me and my girl are gonna make a trip to Wally World to get 2 more airstones so i can get this show on the road My Busy work week is almost over Saturdays my only day off so im hoping to get my room setup that day gonna get a few of my friends to come help.Im a little worried about transplanting them and putting them straight into the Hydroton as i haven't seen any grow forums of people doing it but only way to learn is to do.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
You will do fine I am sure. Just be careful rinsing the roots off and placing them into the hydroton. Bury the same amount of the stem if not a tiny bit more, it will help stabilize it. Dont pack the hydroton - it can cut the roots - just loose fill.


Well-Known Member
Well the transplant went good but i dont think my girls liked it and they will probably show me tomorrow. I put 2 of my girls in the system the other is just gonna be a soil grow i guess. Theyre roots are touching the water which i am very happy about. Anyway heres pics COMMENT COMMENTS COMMENTSSS


Well-Known Member
The girls are doing good my Purple GB leafs have remained the same the BFF is looking a little droopy but o well. My Water PH is sitting at 6.1 right now


Well-Known Member
glad to hear there doin good, im sure once you get every thing dialed in they will perk up and grow like crazy

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Yup, your doin good. Know that the plants will adjust the ph over time. I found myself adding ph down everyday trying to keep it at 6.1. I researched a little before I found a thread where a guy said that the plants will make the ph fluctuate and that it is fine. So I kept an eye on mine and made sure that if I wasnt keeping it at 6.1 all the time they would be good - sure enough they are fine - I add nutes and dial in the ph once, then I let the plants do their thing.

The girls are doing good my Purple GB leafs have remained the same the BFF is looking a little droopy but o well. My Water PH is sitting at 6.1 right now
glad to hear there doin good, im sure once you get every thing dialed in they will perk up and grow like crazy


Well-Known Member
Yup, your doin good. Know that the plants will adjust the ph over time. I found myself adding ph down everyday trying to keep it at 6.1. I researched a little before I found a thread where a guy said that the plants will make the ph fluctuate and that it is fine. So I kept an eye on mine and made sure that if I wasnt keeping it at 6.1 all the time they would be good - sure enough they are fine - I add nutes and dial in the ph once, then I let the plants do their thing.
I went and picked up another 10 gallon tote to have Phed water ready for switch whenever i want. Since im using only PHed water right now do i need to drain and replenish??? Also do they look ready for nutes? My 600 watt is going to be here on the 11th I cant wait :D

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
They look ready for nutes - def start with a lite mix, see how they do - I pretty much always do a lite mix (about 2/3's) with my GH 3 part to get the desired ppm's.

Usually I just turn my pump off and add the water and nutes - always start with your base nutes - 1st your micro then your bloom or grow (dont know why, just started this because the directions say to). Then add any additives. After everything is in check the ph - your ph will change with nutes in it. After about an hour I check the ph again usually I am able to turn it on - sometimes I have to adjust the ph again - then wait another hour. they will go hours without water with little to no affects.


Well-Known Member
So my B.F.F. is still in shock but my Purple GB is loving the hydro. Shes got new roots coming out and all. Im going to start nutes tonight i mixed a little over 1/4 in my 10 gallon rez for Micro and exsactly 1/4 of Grow
Here is Purple GB roots