Hot Sauce and Snoop Dog when does the pandering end?

Just like Kamala Harris, this thread is full of hypocrites. Harris happily puffed on her drugs from one side of her mouth while criticizing Hallinan for being too soft on drug crime from the other. Hallinan sought rehabilitation and called drug use a victimless crime, yet hypocritical Harris saw Hallinan as weak and criticised his programs for interfering with conviction rates. She pandered to California's corrupt police force and cranked out the drug convictions once Hallinan was out. Now she pretends to have been pro cannabis after skirting the question in the past and locking up users. Her statements on the breakfast club align her drug use with her state employment. Go ahead and support her, the world is getting used to the idea of Trump in office for 2 terms. :clap:

You really are off-the-hook stupid.

Harris has always been on the record as a pot advocate. She's always been on the record it should be decriminalized.

In fact, she helped work on it so hard that it is now legal in the state she represents and thousands of prisoners have been released because of it.

Does she lock up meth and heroin dealers?

You bet your empty head she does.

Stop being stupid. I know that's a big ask from you, but give it a try.