Well-Known Member
I haven't tried on pizza but the sauce is great as a spread on bread so I think you have a good sense of what to try it on. So, yeah, great suggestion. Maybe cook the pizza topped with grilled veggies and drizzle anchoiade over the cooked pizza and toppings. I'm baking bread in a couple of days and might try that over a flat bread made with some extra bread dough.
The recipe for the anchoiade came from Tartine Bread by Chad Robertson, BTW.
Bread made using his no-knead technique is amazing.
bread is one of things i've never tried to make (yet). i have a good recipe for pizza dough that i've made for years. but, i'll have to look him up. do you know if he has a good rye or pumpernickel recipe?
sounds like we need to get a RIU gathering together and have you cater it for us. i'll bring the keg.